Thank You! (And a minor update.)
I would like to take first thank each and everyone of the contributor’s to the site so far. We’ve reached the initial two goals which puts the site at no longer being a loss financially to keep running. It isn’t a ‘lot’ monthly but as anyone who has ever been working on a very strict budget you know exactly how much every cent matters.
That being said, to move forward I slightly restructured the upcoming goals to not only show what we’re aiming to accomplish with each level if we’re able to hit the goals but also added a few more in to make them more manageable.
Again, thank you so much and we will continue delivering the latest markets, fiction, and news on writing to you on a daily basis! (Also, book reviews are coming soon! Yay, the first of hopefully many new features that we’re planning to launch!)
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!