Taking Submissions: Unnerving Books Untitled Crime Anthology
Deadline: May 15th, 2023
Payment: 1 cent per word and a contributors copy
Theme: Crime Fiction
In the near future, Unnerving will be dipping its claws into CRIME fiction, and to launch into this avenue, I’m compiling an anthology. Meaning, I need stories. Short ones: 1,500-8,000 words, preference being 2,500-4,000 words in length. Renumeration is $0.01/word USD + a paperback copy. I’m asking for six months exclusivity. Reprints are okay, as long as they were last printed more than five years ago (personal collections excluded in this period) and are not available to read online (Audio excluded from this request).
I want gritty stories. Think Jim Thompson, James M. Cain, Sara Gran, Jo Nesbo. I also like humorous stuff with a dark edge. Think Donald Westlake, Adam Howe, Brian Evenson. I like twists. I like oddity. I like violence.
Now, for what I don’t want: no police procedurals, no copaganda, nothing supernatural, no rape revenge stories, nothing pro-religion, and nothing cozy or soft.
Stories written using AI tech will not be considered.
Send stories to [email protected] in a .docx or .doc file. No PDFs. Double-space your manuscripts. Please use the word ANTHOLOGY in the subject line.
Submissions close May 15, 2023.
Via: Unnerving Books.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!