Taking Submissions: Rising Dark
Deadline: June 1st, 2023
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Horror
Note: Reprints Welcome
M Presents is looking for submissions for their next Enter Madness anthology, Rising Dark, to be released later this year. Stories should be horrific, deal with the mysterious, and avoid the use of anything that could be considered socially unacceptable (violence toward children, unnecessary gore, sex for the sake of sex, erotica). I am only a single person so I will try my best to respond to all submissions.
Stories must be fewer than 5,000 words, payment is a percent of royalties based upon the total number of words published. Open: March 1, 2023. Deadline: June 1, 2023.
To submit: fill out the form at the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfl_yivMcFrhyXs1sJal_Alu6yV-SIP-Qj__rGJf1X1EjksYw/viewform?usp=pp_url
On Royalties:
You’ll get payments to Paypal via DriveThruFiction/Onebookshelf (printer), accounts to both are FREE, if the email you provided differs, enter than email below. Payments will be made approximately 30 days after purchase unless requested otherwise. Note: Paypal takes a $1 processing fee for all transactions made directly from Onebookshelf, the more transfers then the more fees (example: if Paypal makes the payment to me then I am charged a fee, and an additional fee is paid if I personally transfer the royalty money to you; so you’ll make more with an active account from DriveThruFiction).
Via: The Enter Madness Contact Form.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!