Taking Submissions: Paper Butterfly
Deadline: November 5th, 2020
Payment: $15 canadian
Theme: science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, humour, western, mystery, literary…and any variation or combination thereof.
Flash fiction stories only. Word count: 1,000 or less.
English language only.
Original work only.
Genre: science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, humour, western, mystery, literary…and any variation or combination thereof. If in doubt, send it along – you never know.
Multiple submissions: feel free to send as many submissions as you wish to during the reading period. Please send each submission in separate emails.
Simultaneous submissions: all good. If your story is selected for publication elsewhere, please contact me right away to withdraw it from my consideration.
Word count over the limit.
Poetry, non-fiction, essays, children’s stories, anything other than flash fiction.
Erotica, excessive gore, abuse, or ‘isms such as racism, sexism, etc..
Overly saucy language. I don’t mind swear words, I just would prefer to keep the content on the site closer to the PG side of things.
Stories sent outside of the reading period.
Queries. They’re not necessary. Send me your work if you think there’s a chance I might like it. Please don’t ask me about your submission after you’ve sent it. I will get back to you by December 15, 2020.
I’m not picky about fonts or font sizes or margins or paragraph indentations or anything of the sort. I will format your work to fit the site if it is accepted for publication. If your story has an experimental form and I accept it, we’ll work together to ensure it is posted properly.
Cover letters are not required.
Your contact information (name, email address) MUST be included somewhere in your submission.
Please watch your spelling and grammar – if your story is littered with errors, I am likely to give it less of a chance. Don’t worry about American/Canadian/British spelling; I’ll sort it all out.
Submissions may be an attachment (.rtf, .docx., .doc) or pasted into the body of your email – it’s up to you.
If edits are required, I will make them and send you the proof for confirmation before publication on the website.
If your work is accepted, I will ask for a short bio. This will be an opportunity to add a link to your author’s website or blog.
If your story is accepted for publication, you will be paid $15.00 (Canadian funds). Please note that if you live in countries outside of Canada, the exchange rate may mean you don’t quite make fifteen bucks from your story. I’m sorry about that, but if it’s a problem, please don’t send me your work. Payment will be issued via PayPal. In order to receive payment, your PayPal email address must be provided to me.
- If your story is selected for publication during the October/November reading period, payment will be issued on or before January 15, 2021.
Authors retain all rights to their work.
Bear in mind that if your story is posted on Paper Butterfly Flash Fiction (or anywhere else on the Internet, for that matter), you may not be able to submit it to another publisher as it will be considered a “reprint.”
If, for some reason, you wish to withdraw your story from Paper Butterfly Flash Fiction’s website, please send me a message and I’ll remove it as quickly as I can. Again, it will still count as a “reprint” in the view of a future publisher, even if it has only been posted for a short time.
If your story is accepted, I will let you know when I plan to post it on the website. It will be posted on the first day of that month.
I will send you a confirmation of receipt of your story within 72 hours of your submission.
I must apologize, but I cannot offer more than a form rejection letter at this time.
SEND SUBMISSIONS to shrob17(at)hotmail(dot)ca. I will not consider submissions sent outside of the reading period, so double check that it is open before sending me your work.
Via: Paper Butterfly.