Taking Submissions: Otoroshi Journal 2021 Winter Issue (Early Listing)
Submission Window: October 1st – October 31st, 2021
Payment: $1 per accepted piece
Theme: horrorku, horror themed tanka, haibun, see below for details
The Submission may include any or all of the following:
· Up to seven (7) horrorku or horror tanka [we will rarely publish 5/7/5(7/7)]
· Up to three (3) haibun [title + prose + haiku/tanka — no more than 100 words]
· Up to five (5) pieces of cover art
All submissions must be original, unpublished work that is not under consideration by a print or web-based journal. Posts in closed, critique-oriented groups and social media sites are acceptable for submission, but public posts on forums such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not. By submitting a piece to us, you are guaranteeing that it is your original work and not under consideration or published anywhere else in the world.
E-mail submission is required. Type poems into the body of the e-mail; no attachments of poetry will be opened. For art submissions, please include all five pieces in a .PDF file or send us a link to a private gallery. If we purchase an art piece for our cover, we will ask that you provide a 300 dpi version of said piece.
E-mail: [email protected]
Subject: Otoroshi Submission
Please include a cover letter noting location in the world. Please include handles for Instagram and Twitter for promotional purposes.
At this time, only one submission per issue will be considered unless the editors directly request a second submission.
Submission periods are one month long:
· January for the Spring Issue
· April for the Summer Issue
· July for the Fall Issue
· October for the Winter Issue
Acceptances will be sent shortly after the end of each period.
Please note: Although most journals may publish your work as is, we are editors, too. This means we will make suggestions to your work as we see fit. This is to further educate those willing to sharpen their skills and to help them develop a well-rounded comprehension of Modern Japanese short forms and the horrorku sub-genre.
We pay on publication. Currently, we offer a token payment via PayPal only.
The rates are as follows:
· Horrorku: $1.00 each
· Horror Tanka: $1.00 each
· Horror Haibun: $1.00 each
· Cover Art: $10.00 each
We are purchasing the rights to print your work in our electronic journal. We may also use your poems in multimedia promotion of the journal. At the end of the year, we will collect all four issues into one Print-on-Demand version of the journal. By submitting your work for publication, you are agreeing to these terms.
Content Statement
While the editors of Otoroshi acknowledge that some of the most horrific events of mankind stem from hate and violence, we seek to be an inclusive market. We also actively strive to represent a diverse array of voices. Therefore, we will not tolerate racism, discrimination, hate-speech, bullying, or harassment of any kind and will not publish any work that includes such language or imagery.
Furthermore, while we are a horror magazine, we acknowledge that sexual threats and sexual violence can be triggering for many readers. Therefore, sexual violence, as well as violence against animals or children, will be an extremely hard sell and will almost certainly be rejected unless handled in a progressive way. While it has become a common trope in horror to empathize with the stalker or serial killer character, this is not the market for such work.
Via: Otoroshi Journal.