Tagged: Welkin Magazine

Welkin Magazine Has Indefinitely Paused

Sad news on the fantastic front. Over the past year, we’ve been seeing some good things come from Welkin Magazine and they’ve shown a lot of potential. Unfortunately, due to time and financial constraints, Welkin Magazine has had to close its doors for the time being. Hopefully, this is only temporary. The publishing industry is a cruel mistress and I suspect that we’re going to be down another fantasy magazine from this news. Here is what their editor, J. McKenzie Nalley, has had to say about the closure:

Taking Submissions: Welkin Magazine Winter 2021 (Early Listing)

Submission Window: October 1st-October 31st, 2021
Payment: 1 cent per word
Theme: Genre-bending and tropes typically excluded from mainstream literary magazines

Fiction submissions should be sent to [email protected] with the title of your story in the subject line. In your email, please include a short cover letter outlining past publication credits if any, a brief bio if desired, a word count, and which of our magazines you wish to be considered for. The story should be attached to the email as a word document or other common word processing file. Stories should be in standard manuscript format. We accept simultaneous submissions to other journals, but if your story is accepted elsewhere, please alert us immediately.  Please only submit one story at a time for consideration.