Tagged: Enchanted Conversation

Taking Submissions: Enchanted Conversation: 2021 December Issue (Early Listing)

Submission Window: November 1st-3rd 2021
Payment: $50
Theme: Healers, Midwives and Cunning Folk.

Hi there! We’ll no doubt write more about this later in the next year, but for now, what follows below will tell you all you need to know.

And the theme? It’s “Healers, Midwives and Cunning Folk.”

(No more submissions are being accepted for publication in December of 2020–but we will be publishing stories that have already been accepted.)

The following is relevant to all submissions for 2021, and the first submission window opens Jan. 1. More below.


Writing opportunities for 2021 include:


New Fairy Tales: Fairy tales that are almost or entirely new or are just new takes on old tales are all welcome. Mashups of existing fairy tales are welcome as well. Submissions must follow the theme below to be considered.


Essays: Nonfiction articles about any aspect fairy tales and folklore are being sought. The term “essay” just means you’ll be writing about fairy-tale related matters in a nonfiction article.  Creative nonfiction is welcome. You do not have to stick to the theme, but you can.


Poetry: Poetry inspired by fairy tales and that follows the theme is also welcome.


Please read the following in its entirety before submitting.


Want to know what is likely to get published here? There are well over 10 years of stories, essays and art on this current site. It’s the best place to start if you want to be published here.




Taking Submissions: Enchanted Conversation: 2021 November Issue (Early Listing)

Submission Window: October 1st-3rd 2021
Payment: $50
Theme: Healers, Midwives and Cunning Folk.

Hi there! We’ll no doubt write more about this later in the next year, but for now, what follows below will tell you all you need to know.

And the theme? It’s “Healers, Midwives and Cunning Folk.”

(No more submissions are being accepted for publication in December of 2020–but we will be publishing stories that have already been accepted.)

The following is relevant to all submissions for 2021, and the first submission window opens Jan. 1. More below.


Writing opportunities for 2021 include:


New Fairy Tales: Fairy tales that are almost or entirely new or are just new takes on old tales are all welcome. Mashups of existing fairy tales are welcome as well. Submissions must follow the theme below to be considered.


Essays: Nonfiction articles about any aspect fairy tales and folklore are being sought. The term “essay” just means you’ll be writing about fairy-tale related matters in a nonfiction article.  Creative nonfiction is welcome. You do not have to stick to the theme, but you can.


Poetry: Poetry inspired by fairy tales and that follows the theme is also welcome.


Please read the following in its entirety before submitting.


Want to know what is likely to get published here? There are well over 10 years of stories, essays and art on this current site. It’s the best place to start if you want to be published here.


