Suggestions To Fit Writing Into A Busy Schedule
We can all understand the struggles of balancing our lives and our time. With so much going on, so many different responsibilities, it’s difficult to balance those responsibilities between the things that we enjoy doing, things that make us happy. And if you’re a writer, you have no choice but to find that balance, to make time you don’t have, into time you must create. If you’re serious about your writing, you have to find that flow and balance. Here are a few suggestions to fit writing into your busy schedule.
- Prioritize your time
It’s easy to convince yourself that you don’t have the time to commit to your writing; that it’s impossible to find the time in your busy day. But, the truth is, that you control how you spend your time throughout the day. If you make writing a priority, then you will find the time to write.
- Eliminate useless activities
A writer’s biggest enemy is distractions. In a time before television, computers and social media, it was a lot easier to avoid distractions. In today’s world, there are many. The only way you are going to write progressively, is to limit the amount of time you spend watching television, surfing the internet and social media. In doing that, you will be able to write more. Remember that social media and television is a writer’s worst enemy and will eliminate precious writing time in a busy writer’s schedule.
- Take advantage of the quiet
After your day is done, and you’ve completed all of your responsibilities, and the family has gone to bed, take advantage of the quiet. Nighttime is a writer’s best friend. It is probably the only time in your day, that you have nothing to do, no time restraints, and no one to interrupt you. There are many writers who say that they do their best writing during the late night, and early morning hours. Even if you have to get up early, you can allocate an hour to write before you go to bed. If you are serious about your writing, you understand that finishing a novel takes sacrifice and hard work. You sacrifice time, sleep, and your social life, to ensure that you finish it.
Most importantly, you do what you have to do to get it done. You find time that you do not have and prioritize it. You eliminate distractions, and you take advantage of quiet time. You put your mind to it, and you do not waiver. And you must believe in yourself, believe that you can finish, and believe in your writing.
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Tabitha Milam-Fisher is an experienced writer and Columnist, with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and copyediting industry. She writes short dark fiction stories, and has a recurring nonfiction column in The St. Clair Times newspaper.