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Taking Submissions: Black Rainbow

Deadline: April 30th, 2019 Payment: $0.03 USD per word Note: Must identify as LGBTQIA to submit. DEADLINE: April 30, 2019 PAYMENT: $0.03 USD per word MINIMUM WORD COUNT: 500 MAXIMUM WORD COUNT: 3500* MAXIMUM SUBMISSIONS PER AUTHOR: 2 REPRINTS: No** SUBMISSION EMAIL: [email protected] *Authors are welcome to interpret the maximum word count as a guideline rather than a strict ruling. The maximum payment for a single story, once accepted, will not exceed $105 regardless of final word count. (If you send in something that is around 3690 words and we love it, we’ll compensate you for 3500 of those words and you’ll have to give the rest of them to us for free.) Regardless of this flexibility, PLEASE NOTE: Stories exceeding 3900 words will not be considered for publication. **For the sake of this project, reprints are defined as follows: stories that are posted on your personal blog, a Reddit account, or other similar social media will be considered “first run” and eligible for acceptance. Stories that have been narrated on horror podcasts such as The NoSleep Podcast, Creepy, Monsters Out Of The Closet, etc, will be considered for acceptance (provided the author retains the right to resell these stories.) As it relates to “Black Rainbow” we define reprints as works that have been previously published and distributed in print (whether that be in a magazine, book, e-book or otherwise previously distributed medium.) If you have previously published the story with a similar publisher, it will not be accepted. Works that have not been published anywhere will move to the front. ADDITIONALLY: MOVING FORWARD ALL SUBMITTERS MUST BE LGBTQIA IDENTIFYING. Authors may submit any number of stories they wish for consideration. Should we choose to select multiple stories from a single author, we will only be accepting two per author. This is not an erotica anthology. We...

Taking Submissions: The Overcast Podcast

Deadline: April 30th, 2019 Payment: 1 cent per word, a flat rate of $20 if under 2,000 words. The Overcast is currently open to submissions three times a year, during the months of January, April, and October. (Note we are no longer reading during July.  Our summers have just gotten too hectic.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Thank you for understanding.)   What We Want We are interested in speculative fiction, whatever that means to you, be it Science Fiction, Fantasy, Steampunk, Magical Realism, Slipstream, or an as-yet-unnamed genre.  Anything that looks at the world and life from an unexpected angle.  We want the original vision of William Gibson.  The magic and beauty of Erin Morgenstern.  The uncompromising voice of Margaret Atwood.  The technical brilliance of Ted Chiang.  We want to read stories that transport us to places that we've never imagined.  We want to still be thinking about a story days after reading it.  Be original.  Be amazing. We are based in Portland, OR, and shine a spotlight on writers hailing from, living in, or connected in some way to the Pacific Northwest, as loosely defined by the bioregion of Cascadia.  We feel there is an exceptionally strong talent pool of speculative writers in Cascadia, and we want to celebrate and promote them to a larger audience.  Roughly half the stories we publish are by PNW writers.  That said, we are not exclusive, and the other half of our stories come from authors all over the globe.  So no matter where you live, send us your stories.  If they make us laugh, cry, or turn cartwheels of astonishment, preferably all at once, we will find a place for them on The Overcast. This is an audio format publication.  We feel that stories of around 20-30 minutes in length are the best...

Taking Submissions: Weird Mask Magazine – Cthulhu / Lovecraftian Edition

"Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari"D 1919/20R.: Robert WieneConrad Veidt Deadline: April 30th, 2019 Payment: Contributor's Copy Hey weirdos! We are looking for Cthulhu mythos / Lovecraftian tales for our May issue. Submissions must be in by April 30th! Length should be between 1k-3k. Compensation is a contributor copy. Send submissions, copy and pasted in the body of the email, to weirdmaskzine at gmail dot com Please be sure to add your address, story credit and twitter or instagram handle (if you have one). Via: Weird Mask.

Taking Submissions: The Shadow Booth Volumes 4 And 5

Deadline: April 30th, 2019 Payment: 1.5p per word You know how we like to keep you on your toes? Well... The Shadow Booth is now OPEN for fiction submissions until the end of April! Here are some basic guidelines: We are a bi-annual journal of weird and eerie fiction. Do not send us your Western romance (in space). Do not send us your drug addiction memoir. Do not send us your shopping list (unless you're buying some really weird things). Weird. Eerie. Fiction. Please. If you want an idea of what we mean by weird and eerie, then read one of our previous volumes. This is the best way to find out what we like! All ebooks are under £5, and like all independent publications, we need your support to keep going. Paperbacks are under £9, and our latest, Vol. 3, has just been published. (Paperbacks, ebooks and subscriptions are available here. Okay, rant over...) If you want further pointers, why not read editor Dan Coxon's article on the Ginger Nuts of Horror website: Face the Strange. Submissions should be 1,000 - 8,000 words long. We won't quibble over a word or two, but otherwise those limits are fixed. We would particularly like to read stories by BAME writers, and by women writing within the weird/eerie horror scene. In our experience, these tend to be underrepresented within the genre. Having said that, if you fall into neither of these groups, we want to read your work too - all stories will be considered on an equal basis once they have been submitted. Please only submit one story during the submissions period. Any further submissions during this period will be rejected. (We would say 'send us your best', but you know that already...) Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know if your story is accepted elsewhere....