
Taking Submissions: Saw Palm Issue 14: Florida Noir

Deadline: October 1st, 2019 Payment: Contributor's Copy Note: Story must be related to Florida Saw Palm is a Florida-themed journal; however we welcome writers and artists from across the country and the globe as long as the work is connected to Florida (via images, people, themes, etc.). We also welcome creative works from Floridians that are not obviously about someplace else. Please check out past issues, available for download as free PDFs. Print journal submissions open July 1, 2019.  We accept submissions for Places to Stand year-round. ​We are excited to announce our special edition for Issue 14, Florida Noir. Send us fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and essays. We are looking for late nights, last resorts, storm clouds, and seedy neighborhoods. The orange that rots underneath its skin. You can define noir traditionally or interpret it in your own way. ​ We do not accept written work that has been previously published either online or in print. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please indicate simultaneous submissions in a brief cover letter and let us know immediately through Submittable if your work has been accepted elsewhere. The cover letter may also include a brief third-person bio. Send only one submission at a time per genre. If you have a pending submission, please wait for a response before submitting again. We make every effort to respond as quickly as possible while giving each submission the time it deserves. Our average response time is 3-5 months. After 6 months, you’re welcome to follow up with the appropriate editor. All submissions must be made electronically through our online submissions manager. We do not accept email submissions. Please upload text files in .doc or .docx formats only. Art and comics should be uploaded in .jpeg / .jpg format only. Any paper submissions sent via snail mail will be recycled unread. For queries or...

Taking Submissions: The Blue Route #23

Deadline: October 1st, 2019 Payment: $25 Note: Must be an Undergraduate Student. The deadline for submissions for Issue #23 is October 1, 2019.   Prose – Submit 1-3 pieces of fiction or creative nonfiction totaling no more than 3000 words. Poetry – Submit up to 3 poems. We want good, highly imaginative writing about contemporary life as you see it. We’re not interested in genre writing (romance, detective, horror, sci-fi) unless it somehow rises above the conventions associated with those types of writing. If your writing is clichéd, inspired by TV, emphasizes end rhyme above all else, has flat characters, exhibits a general insensitivity to the beauties and subtleties of language, it will not find a place in this journal. No adult content. No racism. No sexism. If you’ve got to use profanity, remember a little goes a long, long way. We do not accept previously published work. However, we do accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.  Our response time is about three months. IMPORTANT: Undergraduate Students: Only previously unpublished work of current undergraduate writers will be considered. In order to verify your status as an undergraduate, we ask that with your submission you send along the email of a faculty member from your department. Until we gain confirmation of undergraduate status from this reference, we will not be able to publish your work. Note to Widener Students: At this time, work from Widener students will not be accepted. Widener students are invited to submit their work to Widener Ink, the university’s print journal. Frequency of Submission: If your work has been published in The Blue Route, we ask that you please wait at least one issue before submitting again. Terms: We pay twenty-five dollars upon publication. We acquire First North American Serial Rights, a one time, non-exclusive use...

Taking Submissions: Cherry Tree

Deadline: October 1st, 2019 Payment: $20 and 2 contributor's copies Cherry Tree welcomes submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary shade. We read manuscripts between August 1 and October 1. We only consider original, unpublished work. For accepted work, we purchase First North American serial rights. Payment is $20 per contributor and two contributor's copies. Submissions are only accepted via Submittable. From August 1 to October 1, 2019, we will be reading submissions for Issue 6 of Cherry Tree. Please review the submission guidelines below before submitting online: Please familiarize yourself with the mission statement of Cherry Tree before submitting. Please note: current students and those who have graduated from Washington College in the past four years are not eligible to submit work to Cherry Tree. If your work has been published in a previous issue of Cherry Tree, please wait 2 years before submitting work here again. For example, if you were published in Issue 4, please wait to submit again until we are reading work for Issue 6. All manuscripts should be paginated, with the author’s name and contact information on the first page. Prose should be double-spaced and include a word count. Writers may only submit once to each genre per reading period. Please wait until the next reading period before sending a new submission to a genre for which you have already submitted work, even if you have already received a response or withdrawn your work. Please send no more than 7 poems, 7 flash prose pieces, or 25 total pages of prose. If submitting flash fiction or nonfiction, please send no more than 7 flash pieces or 25 total pages of flash (whichever comes first). Poems and flash should be uploaded as a single file. We prefer to receive submissions in .DOC or .RTF format. Fill in the title(s) of the work(s)...

Taking Submissions: Once A-Fawn a Time

Deadline: October 1st, 2019 Payment: $10 Thurston Howl Publications is now accepting submissions for its furry anthology, ONCE A-FAWN A TIME. Deadline: Oct 1, 2019 Editor: Howl Word count: 2,500-8,000; a little above and a little below will be acceptable Once a-fawn a time, a big good wolf was attacked by a red bad riding hood! It's time to celebrate fairy tails! We want to see anthro-animal characters in the misty woods, with their furry godmothers, wasting wishes! It is perfectly fine but not required if submissions are erotic in nature, and, being THP, we definitely encourage horror. All stories must be based on a fairy tale, even if very loosely. We welcome all genres! All story submissions must be "furry" in nature. Each story will be illustrated. We will NOT accept: Racism, sexism, or discrimination presented in a positive light. Pedophilia or sex with characters under the age of 18 presented in a positive light. Rape, torture, dubious consent, forced seduction presented in a positive light. Snuff or Necrophilia presented in a positive light If you are in doubt, ASK. Better to ask then to get a straight up rejection! If you are unsure, just shoot me an email at [email protected]. (restrictions borrowed from Voice: You can submit up to four stories, but we will only accept two at the most per author (if any). Reprints are fine, but you have to own full permission of the work in order for us to consider it. We will not accept simultaneous submissions. Payment: $10/story Send submissions in .doc or .docx format to [email protected]. Title your email with the story title in all caps, e.g. "THREE BILLY GOATS HUFF BECAUSE THEY HAVE A MUSK FETISH." If you are sending more than one submission, send multiple emails instead of putting them all in one. We will inform all authors...

Taking Submissions: Samhain Secrets

Deadline: October 2nd, 2019 Payment: Royalties "Samhain Secrets," a new Halloween-themed anthology through Irish Horse Anthologies! We are looking for short stories, 3k - 10k in length, related to Halloween. All genre fiction is welcome. THERE IS NEVER A BUY-IN. Submissions should be sent as attachments via email to [email protected] or to Irish Horse Anthologies via FB Messenger. Submission guidelines: 12 pt. Times New Roman or other standard font (Arial, Courier, Helvetica) 1.5 line spacing Left justified Indent 0.5 inches Due date: 10/2/19 Release date: 10/27/19 Synopses and titles will be required at a later date.…/1cFg-v0idfKJMvGKsYf67g9q3jqz…/edit IRISH HORSE ANTHOLOGIES is a small publisher specializing in themed anthologies. We will accept submissions according to the theme of each anthology. Submissions should be provided electronically to our email or via private message on Facebook. Submission guidelines: 12 pt. Times New Roman 1.5 line spacing Indent 0.5" All submissions should at a minimum be proofread and spell checked before being sent. NO simultaneous submissions. NO buy-in ever. word length 5k-10k Royalty structure: 40/60. Publisher retains 40% to recoup editing and cover art costs. 60% will be split evenly between the authors. Via: Iron Horse Anthologies Facebook.

Taking Submissions: Halloween Horror

Deadline: $5 for anything under 5000 words - $10 for anything over 5000 words Payment: October 3rd, 2019 Note: Reprints Accepted Halloween horror is where it's at, where it all began for many horror fans. The feeling of being chased by a supernatural killer, hunted by a demonic clown, stumbling into something you weren't supposed to see, or your date with that eligible bachelor ends up with you as the first course all thanks to All Hallows' Eve. For our first anthology we want stories that take the classic themes of your favorite horror with a little dash of Halloween.  Be absurd, be comical, be genuinely terrifying. Your story does not have to be strictly horror. Almost any story can work for this anthology as long as it takes something from Halloween we're used to and turns it into something we never imagined.  Word Count: 3000 - 7000 Payment: $5 for anything under 5000 words                  $10 for anything over 5000 words Deadline: 10/3/2019 Simultaneous submissions, and multiple submissions welcome.  Reprints are fine, however you must own the full rights to the story before submitting.  Please send all submissions as an attachment and make sure that the subject line of your email is: DBND - HalloweenHorror - Story Title  Send submissions to: [email protected] Via: DBND Publishing.

Taking Submissions: Trouble Among The Stars #4

Deadline: October 6th, 2019 Payment: CAD $0.01/word (i.e. CAD $50 for a 5000 word story), with a minimum payment of CAD $5 for accepted work. Submissions for Issue #4 are currently OPEN. The deadline for this submission period is October 6th, 2019. Thinking of submitting to Trouble Among The Stars? Please read these guidelines first: We publish speculative short fiction and poetry, with an emphasis on science fiction and works related to science.  We do not publish novel excerpts, non-fiction or serialized anything. For fiction, we will review anything between 300-6000 words, and for poetry we will review anything under 600 words.  We do accept simultaneous submissions, but you must notify us immediately if your submitted work is accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published work. We do our best to be very welcoming towards new writers – if you have little or no previous publishing credentials, please feel comfortable submitting to us regardless. We are meant to be by the weirdos and for the weirdos, and we would love to read your newest and strangest work. We pay CAD $0.01/word (i.e. CAD $50 for a 5000 word story), with a minimum payment of CAD $5 for accepted work. Payments are made via paypal upon publication. We ask for one-time non-exclusive rights to publish your work. To submit, please send an email to [email protected] with your work as an attached document. Please include a brief cover letter in the body of the email. Please send a total of one (1) short story or up to two (2) poems (exceptions will sometimes be made for suites of poems). Size 12 Times New Roman font is preferred for submissions, with fiction submissions being double-spaced. Please submit only once per reading period. Please allow us up to three weeks to respond to your submission (though in most cases it should be quicker). If four weeks have gone by and you haven’t heard...

Taking Submissions: The Other Stories (Vol 46.) Beyond Death

The Other Stories

Deadline: October 7th, 2019 Payment: $5 (Vol 46.) Beyond Death; deadline 7th October. If you think you’ve got what it takes to terrify, scar and haunt our audience of 10,000 daily listeners, then we want your stories! If accepted, we'll get our fantastic narration team to lend their voices, our editor will sprinkle some magic pixie dust on the track, and you could have your story heard by thousands of listeners each week. Submission guidelines can be found HERE SUBMIT YOUR STORIES TO [email protected] Title your email with the following syntax: SUBMISSION | STORY TITLE | THEME | WORDCOUNT (e.g. SUBMISSION | THE MARTIAN | SPACE | 1,982) Via: Hawk And Cleaver.

Taking Submissions: Return To San Cicaro

Deadline: October 11th, 2019 Payment: $135 Earlier this year we did an open call and produced Welcome to San Cicaro, the first of Thunderbird Studios’ original anthologies. We got some great stories and exciting new writers, and had a blast doing it. In fact, we enjoyed it so much… we’re doing it again! Once more, we’re taking another plunge into the mysterious, paranormal jewel of the Golden State—San Cicaro. Want to play in our city? Here’s another chance. As before, we’re looking for yarns of dark urban fantasy, the weird, the macabre and the hopeful. Tell us of unassuming teenagers stumbling upon witch meetups, who weave spells for good or ill. Of hell-born creatures leaving scenes of carnage that confound the police. Of trolls trying to fit into the society of the homeless. We want them all.  The best way of course to understand the vibe and atmosphere of the stories we are looking for is to pick up a copy of Welcome to San Cicaro, and give it a read. You can also check our prior call for more details. Details: Submitted short stories should have a minimum of around 5,000 words up to a soft limit of 8,000 words. We can go as high as 10,000 but will be looking to whittle that down. Formatting should follow William-Shunn guidelines. Aside from editing and proofreading your work, the editors will also make very minor changes to fit your tale into San Cicaro itself. We may recommend street names, slightly modify passages to mention landmarks, or other such continuity tweaks. Most importantly, we may connect your story not only to the prior anthology, but to stories published in this release. Our ultimate goal is to add tiny details that join your story into a greater, connected narrative. Authors will be recompensed with a one-time payment...

Taking Submissions: Breaking Rules Horror Magazine

Deadline: October 15th, 2019 Payment: 2 cents per word Breaking Rules Publishing's Online And Hard Copy Magazine Comes Out Monthly. The deadline for the first issue of Horror is October 15th. Send your submissions to [email protected]. The Scribe, Triangle Writers and Horror - are 100 - 150 page magazines that feature articles and tools to assist in the success of the writers and readers that subscribe. It also offers writers, published authors and young writers the opportunity to share their work, promote their novels, short stories or poetry. To submit your short story or poems to The Scribe - please email us at [email protected]. The submission deadline for The Scribe are always by the 15th of the prior month. The submission deadline for the next issue of Horror - will be Oct 15th with a release date of Oct 31st. The deadlines for the Triangle Writers Magazine will always be the 15th of the month before release. The first issue will be released on Nov 1st. Here's a hint - the deadline for the first issue is Oct 15th. Send all of your submissions to [email protected]. The Scribe, Triangle Writers and Horror are available online as well in hard copy. They are sent out to all of our subscribers as well as placed in various locations throughout the country. We also share The Scribe, Triangle Writers and Horror and our advertisers on our social media sites. For information about advertising and pricing for The Scribe, Triangle Writers and Horror, please look below. If you are interested in placing an ad please email us at [email protected] or use the link below to make your purchase now. All of the artwork on the front covers of The Scribe Magazine is created by artist David Rule - created.rule All of the artwork for the front covers of Triangle Writers will be done by LGBT artists. ​Short Story Submissions - will be paid $.02 per word - per...