
Taking Submissions: Out of the Darkness – Book Two (Early)

Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: £10 Theme: Light Fantasy Title: Into the Darkness - Book One Title: Out of the Darkness - Book Two ​ Opens: 01 February 2022 Closes: 31 May 2022 ​ Genre: Book One - Dark Fantasy           Book Two - Light Fantasy ​ Reader Age Range: Teen ​ Word Count: 4000 - 8000 10% wiggle room over. ​ Info: Very open call. No specific theme besides genre. Must be a clear distinction between light and dark. ​ Reprints: Not allowed Simultaneous Submissions: Allowed, but please email if accepted elsewhere. Multiple Submissions: Up to 1 accepted per author per book - You may submit to both books Author Compensation: £10 per story accepted. Paid via Paypal only Please note any submissions accepted before or after the varying Submission dates will be deleted. Additionally, any submissions sent without the anthology title in the subject or email body will be automatically rejected. Via: Raven and Drake Publishing.

Taking Submissions: Azathoth: Ordo ab Chao

Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: 5 cents per word Theme: Lovecraftian gods featured in the wildly successful The Gods of HP Lovecraft OPEN CALL Anthology Title: Azathoth: Ordo ab Chao Edited by Aaron J. French Based on The Gods of HP Lovecraft Publisher: JournalStone Publishing Anthology Theme This project will be the first in a series of anthologies focusing on each of the Lovecraftian gods featured in the wildly successful The Gods of HP Lovecraft (published in 2015 by JournalStone Publishing). This first anthology begins with primal origins and the god Azathoth, who represents primordial chaos in the world of the Lovecraftian Mythos. H.P. Lovecraft described Azathoth as a demon king ruling from a dark throne in the middle of the fiery cosmic void, out of which all created things emanated. Surrounding this orbiting spiral of infinite chaos and creation sounded the repetitive notes from an incessant flute. This is a reference to the god Pan in Greek mythology and the symbol of created chaos behind the apparent orderliness of the natural world. Taking this imagery as our departure, the stories presented in this first anthology will deal with the notion of “order out of chaos” (Latin: Ordo ab Chao) and will engage with the cosmic demon Azathoth as ruler standing over this endless chaotic process. Stories must include Azathoth in some shape or form, the more creative and different the better. Furthermore, some aspect of the story must include the theme of order out of chaos. How this looks and develops in the story is up to the author. Not interested in overt Lovecraft pastiche. Elements of occultism, esotericism, and magic are very much appreciated. Submission Guidelines – Submissions Now Open Seeking stories: 5000 to 7000 words Format: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font Payment: 5 cents a word and a copy...

Taking Submissions: Nightmare Sky

Submission Window: May 1st-31st, 2022 Payment: $0.01 per word, minimum of $20 payment Theme: Astronomy or night-sky themed horror stories about humans and our connection to the stars. Nightmare Sky:  Stories of Astronomical Horror Submission window:  May 1 – 31, 2022 Since the dawn of humanity, we have looked to the stars with awe. They call for us to gaze upon their brilliance while we sit around campfires and make up tales of their histories. Tales that are often fraught with horrors. The very dust of their explosive pasts traveled lightyears across the unknown, and now that dust pulses through our veins, drawing our eyes up, back to our origins. What we’re looking for: I am seeking astronomy or night-sky themed horror stories about humans and our connection to the stars. Get scientific. Get mystical. Get psychological or supernatural. Get cosmic or earthly, but make it about the character’s experience. While I love the science of astronomy, I’m very excited to see different interpretations of this theme. Give me psychological horror about an astronomer. Give me witches with a connection to the stars. Give me cosmic horror, folk horror, sci-fi horror, or ghosts. If the theme is deeply entwined with the night sky, I’m excited to read it. This anthology is open for all to submit, and I strongly encourage writers from all marginalized communities to send their stories. We are many people of many backgrounds, living under one enormous sky. I would love for this anthology to reflect that diversity. 1,000 – 5,000-word stories Poetry welcome! Approximately 50 lines or fewer preferred (this is not a strict upper limit) No reprints Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know as quickly as possible if you need to withdraw. Please do not send multiple submissions. Just send your best...

Taking Submissions: Halloween Ghost Anthology

Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: $0.06/word Theme: Ghost stories Do you love All Hallow’s Eve? Ghost stories? Tales from beyond that leave you feeling unsettled while walking to the kitchen at night? The orange-and-black vintage Halloween aesthetic? Haunted houses with shuttered windows? We’re inviting writers of dark fiction to submit short stories of classic paranormal, poltergeists, ghosts, spirits, haunted places and objects, and the eerily unexplained that take place on or around Halloween. Bonus points if they’re about families, siblings, longtime pals, or pets. #ownvoices BIPOC, gender-diverse, LGBTQIA, and authors of other marginally represented groups highly encouraged to apply. NOT looking for: children’s or middle grade stories, poetry, long fiction, novellas, flash fiction, slasher horror, vampires, werewolves, zombies, extreme horror, or creature horror (unless they’re ghosts). Just creepy-ass ghost stories. Ghosts. Spirits. Hauntings. The supernatural. Creepy and dark. GHOSTS. Rated PG-13 and R. Okay? Okay. ​ Contributors so far: Jonathan Maberry, Gwendolyn Kiste, Tim Waggoner, Cynthia Pelayo, Sara Tantlinger, Catherine Cavendish, and Lee Murray No reprints, multiple submissions, or simultaneous submissions. Original fiction only.  Pay: $0.06/word Length: 2,000 to 4,000 words Submission Deadline: May 31, 2022 (no extensions; on tight production schedule) Expected Publishing Date: Oct. 1, 2022 Submit .doc or .docx to: [email protected] Subject line: GHOST ANTHOLOGY - “Story Title” by “Author Name” Good luck! Via: Gaby Triana.

Taking Submissions: Elements Book Two: Fire (Early Listing)

Submission Window: May 1st-31st 2022 Payment: ¢1 per word CAD Theme: Stories of horror with the theme of 'FIRE' - Rated R welcomed Stories of horror with the theme of 'FIRE' - Rated R welcomed ​Fire - Volcanoes - Smoke - Burning - Ignition Welcome to our four-book series, dedicated to horror from the elements.   Each quarter has been assigned an 'element'. Please review the elements and open submission windows below. Each quarter submission window is only one month, so please make sure to submit during that specific time period Patreon members will be allowed to submit one week early, and be given a one-week extension to each quarter call. Although there can be some fantasy elements tossed in there, the overall feel of the stories must remain in the horror genre. Aim to scare. ​ Each part will be approximately 70,000 words and have its own ebook and paperback. Once all four sections are complete we will release a 'collection' containing all four books in ebook, paperback and hardcover form.  ​​Word count: 1500 - 7000 firm. Payment: Flat rate payment ¢1 per word CAD after approved edits. Reprints? No ​ Multiple Submission? No 💀 Only one submission per author per theme/quarter. (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) ​ Formatting:  Please use 12 pt Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, set auto-indent new paragraphs. Add the story title to the top of the manuscript. Do not include your name or email in the manuscript. These stories will be read "blind" by our reading team. Title your manuscript "Title of Story - Theme"  example "The Ruin - Earth" Please make sure the title of the story and the title on the manuscript match. ​ How to submit? Submit via the FORM - Which will open on the start of each quarter. (A button will appear) IF you have issues with the form,...

Taking Submissions: Exhaustion: Limited Reserves

Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: $15 CAD upon publication ($10 for reprints) Theme: Exhaustion: Limited Reserves Note: Reprints Welcome “Exhaustion: Limited Reserves” Chapbook – Poetry and Flash Fiction Deadline: May 31, 2022 A common human experience is exhaustion in its many guises. Feeling used up or worn out. Reaching the limits of our personal and collective resources. Tapping out. Laying waste to the planet. Burning fuel until there’s nothing left but fumes. Covering a topic in its entirety, until everything that could be said has been said. This chapbook will engage these and other notions of exhaustion. Submission Guidelines: Flash Fiction: maximum 1000 words (no minimum). All genres welcome. The more imaginative, the better. Poems: maximum 60 lines each INCLUDING BLANK LINES (shorter is preferred – long pieces will need to earn their length). All styles welcome. Payment: $15 CAD upon publication ($10 for reprints) All payments through PayPal, Wise, or bank transfer. No submission fee. Multiple submissions: Yes. You can submit as many pieces as you like. Please submit each poem or story as a NEW SUBMISSION. Simultaneous submissions: Yes. Please email [email protected] right away if your piece is accepted elsewhere. Reprints: Previously published pieces will be considered, although we prefer original works. If you do send a reprint, please provide the name of the journal/date of publication, so that we can give proper attribution. Format: We aren’t too hung up on formatting. Just make it easy for us to read. No PAGES files. DOC or DOCX preferred. PDF accepted for poetry. Please title your file as follows: Title – Author Name SUBMIT TO “EXHAUSTION” HERE Via: Off Topic Publishing.

Taking Submissions: Dread Imaginings May Call (Early Listing)

Submission Window: May 1st-31st, 2022 Payment: $.01 per word Theme: Quiet Horror We want quiet horror at Dread Imagings. No slashers, no zombies, no vampires, no werewolves (though transformation tales interest us). Also, no ghost stories. This last one is a personal preference. There are many fine ghost stories and authors who write them; we just don’t want them here. Stories of dread don’t need to be supernatural in nature. Think Poe. Or, better yet, think Shirley Jackson (The Lottery, The Witch), Flannery O’Conner (A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Good Country People), Ursula K. LeGuin (The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas). Not necessarily horror fiction at all but fiction that gets under your skin. In the vein of Thomas Ligotti is always welcome. We want new writers as well as established ones. We want voices from outside the U.S. and diverse voices from anywhere. We publish one story a month, and the collection of stories on our site should represent the full spectrum of human experiences. We’ll accept stories from 2,500 to 4,000 words. This isn’t a hard rule, but don’t stray too far from these limits. Use Shunn formatting (doc/docx/pdf). We pay $.01 per word. No reprints. No multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know if your story is selected elsewhere. Authors retain all rights to their stories. We ask for first digital rights with no period of exclusivity and permission to keep the story on our site. Our response time should be within thirty days, and we respond to all submissions. If you haven’t heard back after six weeks, please inquire. Via: Dread Imaginings.

Taking Submissions: Elegant Literature – Open Road

Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: 8 cents per word (there is also a contest to win $3,000 though it has submission fees.) Theme: Open Road Write a story involving roads, and a glove. Does the road call to you? To some, it offers freedom, adventure, and opportunity. To others, injury and death. Or, as you slow for the shadowed hitchhiker, you wonder if the risks aren’t more sinister… Roadtrips, van life, and fugitives on the run. From deserts to coastline to deep-shadowed forests, the open road has a place in our hearts. Whether it calls you to drift or confronts you with the long road home, it’s undeniably a place of self-discovery. Of new faces and new attitudes. Just don’t take a wrong turn, blow a tire, or stop in ghost towns. Beware the long grass and mutant bikers. Don’t roll down the window for strangers, but do give them a lift. Travel by horse and buggy, sneaker and bag, or get behind the wheel, but hit the dusty trail and head into the unknown. Our Mission: Help new talent go pro, award life-changing prize money, and promote fiction writers worldwide. HOW IT WORKS Each month we hold a contest based on a short fiction prompt. You write a wonderful story and enter the contest. We choose the winner who receives the grand prize. We also choose the best stories, pay the authors above-professional rates, and publish them in our magazine. WHO CAN ENTER? Anyone can submit work to the magazine for free, but you must be an Elegant+ Member to enter the contests and win prizes. Membership is $10/month and includes over $250 in exclusive discounts from our partners like Scrivener, ProWritingAid, Novel Factory, and more. WHAT ARE THE ODDS? The odds depend on the number of members who...

Taking Submissions: The Call of the Sea

Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: Royalties on 4k+ stories Theme: Pirate stories that involve but don't focus on famous pirates. Title: The Call of the Sea Opens: 1 February 2022 Closes: 31 May 2022, 11:59 EST Theme: Gather round, ye bilge rats, and send the landlubbers back whence they came! These tales are for the strong of heart, the courageous corsairs, adventurous scallywags, and lads and lasses loyal to the lawlessness of the sea. Give us ADVENTURE, searches for treasure, sea battles, the perils of loving a Jack Tar, and the dangers of the briny deep. You can use any of the big names in your story (Blackbeard, Calico Jack, Ching Shih, Sir Francis Drake, Black Bart, etc.), but they should be secondary characters, with your MC as an ordinary, unknown person. These are the stories that created legends. Word Limit: 2-8k Author Eligibility: Open to all Reprints: Allowed if rights belong to author, royalty paid at a lower percentage Simultaneous Submissions: Not allowed Multiple Submissions: Max of 2 acceptances Author Compensation: One digital copy and wordcount-based royalty split Send your story and up to a 100-word author bio with 2 (two) links as a Word doc attachment to: [email protected] Please include the Anthology Title, Story Title, and Author name in your email subject line, with your document file name as: Author Name - Story Title. Via: Black Ink Fiction.

Taking Submissions: Shallow Waters June Flash Theme

Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: $0.03 per word for the winner, and 2 cents per word and 1 cent for second and third place respectively Theme: Open Water Your June theme is... ...Open Water. Whether it’s lost at sea, trapped in a boat, being a stowaway, kidnapped, going down with the ship, etc. But keep it dark and psychologically disturbing. Bonus challenge: write the story in a pre-21st century setting. The winner will receive $0.03 per word, publication, and an Author Spotlight on our newsletter and Patreon page. Since we’ve reached out goal of 180 patrons, we can once again offer $0.02 a word to 2nd and $0.01 per word to third place respectively. Submission guidelines: -Max 1,500 words -Submit your entry in the body of an email to [email protected] (no attachments) -The email subject line should be the story’s title and your author name / pseudonym -The deadline is midnight at the end of May, wherever in the world you may reside. -No multiple submissions (only your best story) Please take note… You do not need to be a Crystal Lake Patreon patron to enter. This is a contest and only the top three placing stories will receive payment. I'll personally read all the email submissions and post the best 10 to 20 stories on the Crystal Lake Publishing Patreon page (to our $5 a month and higher tiers). Our patrons will then read all the entries, posted one per day, and vote for a winner. Some editors/publishers may consider having your story posted on a subscription-based platform, like Patreon, as a first publication. If your story does not win, we will remove it upon request.   Via: Crystal Lake Publishing's Patreon.