
Taking Submissions: Foreshadow Issue Zero

Deadline: February 1st, 2018 Payment: $250 with a possibility of more We are seeking original YA short stories. Stories should be between 2,000 and 7,000 words. We especially encourage submissions from underrepresented voices, including writers of color; Indigenous and Native writers; LGBTQIA+ writers; gender diverse writers; writers with disabilities; and religious, ethnic, and cultural minorities. NEW VOICES: Every issue of FORESHADOW will feature a short story from a “new voice”—a writer who is very early in their career, and this story will be selected and introduced by a beloved, established author. New voices guidelines: Writers being considered as a new voice in our serial anthology cannot have a previously published: A young-adult, middle-grade, or adult book-length work of fiction. A full-length poetry collection. More than a few short stories, whether in print or online—we will look closely at the markets where they’ve been published to decide (e.g., someone with three stories in the New Yorker would not count as a “new voice”). Writers also, at the time of submission, cannot have a YA, middle-grade, or adult book of fiction under contract that will be published before January 2020. Writers who have written picture books or poetry chapbooks can be considered a new voice for our serial anthology, so long as they have published only one of such a book by summer 2018. To be considered for a new voice slot, please include “NEW VOICE” next to your name in the subject line of the email and please mention it in your cover note. Directions on how to submit a story can be found below. CHOOSE (OR FORESHADOW) YOUR CLUE: To foreshadow in storytelling is to leave hints and drop clues, so each story in FORESHADOW will be introduced by a single-word title that offers a suggestion of what to expect. To find that title, you...

Taking Submissions: Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People

Boy Eating Deadline: February 4th, 2018 Payment: * cents (CA)/word. Edited by Andrea D. Lobel and Mark Shainblum Historian Thomas Cahill, author of The Gifts of the Jews (Knopf, 1999) claimed that the Jews invented the very concept of history. They were the first, he said, to perceive time not as an endless circle of life, death and rebirth, but as the flight of an arrow, on a linear path to somewhere from somewhere. However, what if time is not one arrow, but a volley of arrows? What if there are other timelines, other histories, other Jews? Would they still have a covenant with the one God? What would have become of their triumphs? Their defeats? Their suffering and their successes? Award-winning author/editors Andrea D. Lobel and Mark Shainblum propose to answer this question in Other Covenants, the first-ever anthology of Jewish alternate history, to be published by ChiZine Publications in Fall 2019! SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submission window: August 28, 2017 at 12:01 AM Eastern Time to Sunday, Feb. 4, 2018, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Open to submissions by authors of all backgrounds, from anywhere in the world. Please do not submit by email. We will accept digital submissions only via the Moksha submissions system at Stories must be in the alternate history genre and must be clearly relevant to the theme of the anthology. Length: 500–15,000 words. There are relatively few spots for stories at the high end, so please query first if you think your story will go long. Preference will be given to stories previously unpublished in English, however, we will consider previously published stories on a case-by-case basis. NEW: Also open to poetry submissions. Original poems on theme. No more than 2 pages (8.5 x 11) in length. (Maximum word count set arbitrarily to 2,000 words as system won’t allow max lines or pages.) No need to double-space. Submissions may be made in English or French. Author...

Taking Submissions: Women Who Love Monsters

Deadline: February 5th, 2018 Payment: Pro-rata share of the royalties to each author Note: Reprints Allowed Note: I apologize on the short open window, just was informed of this one. Women Who Love Monsters Anthology It’s a tale as old as time…Beauty and the Beast. It actually goes back even further, if you consider Greek myths about Zeus and his human lovers, or those Renaissance stories of death and the Maiden.  But contemporary pop culture has been smitten with stories of women who love monsters since King Kong and The Creature from the Black Lagoon, as well as Shrek, Barnabas Collins, Lestat, Hellboy, Swampthing and that sparkly vampire dude, capped off by the recent love affair with The Shape of Water. In the recent erotic romance novel boom, we’ve seen some wild stuff, like the T. Rex and Yeti loving that have become ebook best-sellers. Let’s never forget fiction based off real-life stories of women who love incarcerated serial killers, hitmen and “bad boys” of unspeakable dimensions. So, it should come as no surprise to you that ViceTV decided to do an episode on “Women Who Love Monsters” and they came to Riverdale Avenue Books to interview some of those authors.  We put together a reading of work by award-winning romance author Cecilia Tan, Laura Antoniou (author of erotic classic, The Marketplace), USA Today best-seller Jamie Schmidt, Forensic psychologist and Ripper expert Dr. Katherine Ramsland and Amazon best-selling erotic romance author Trinity Blacio which will air late February/early March 2018. We had a glorious wild time, which we want to share with the world, so we decided to collect the five pieces that were filmed, as well as new pieces (previously published or new) and publish them as one of our anthologies to tie in with the airing of the...

Taking Submissions: Lost Souls and Robots & Artificial Intelligence

Deadline: February 11th, 2018 Payment: 6 cents per word Lost Souls and Robots & Artificial Intelligence Short Stories We're pleased to announce the addition of these two new anthologies to our successful Gothic Fantasy collection. As with the previous books in the series, we're looking for around twenty to thirty short stories by contemporary writers to complement a selection of classic tales. We are keen to encourage new writers, without prejudice to age, background or previous publication history. It’s the story that matters, and the quality of writing. Submit by email to [email protected] The Two New Volumes Lost Souls: Ghouls, ghosts and wandering spirits, trapped inside abandoned dolls and ancient tombs: from the Morrígan of Celtic mythology to Dante’s Purgatorio, humanity’s dark souls have drifted between the worlds to haunt the young and taunt the old. We seek tales of despair and anguish, rage and redemption, for our new chilling collection in the powerful Gothic Fantasy series. Robots & Artificial Intelligence: The future hurtles ever faster towards us; biomechanical products and automated beings bring both dangers and benefits to humankind. Will we be superceded, assimilated, or enslaved by our creations as they too begin to create more capable versions of themselves? Androids, robots, AI and networks, we’re looking for new short stories for our Gothic Fantasy series about a future that’s already with us. Formal Call for Submissions (2018) We are looking for new and recent short stories. We do not require exclusivity. You hold copyright, licensing us just for this publication. We don’t mind if your story has been previously published online or in print (though we do need to know publication and date). Simultaneous submissions are fine, but you must have the right to license your story in an anthology. Word length is most likely to be successful at 2000–4000, but we will still read stories slightly outside this range.  Submit...

Taking Submissions: Dies Infaustus

Deadline: February 13th, 2018 Payment: $15 and contributor’s copy Theme: For many of us, the ocean is our first true encounter with infinity. It extends past the horizon, leaving the imagination to ponder what lies beyond what we can clearly see. And what lies beneath. What terrors live below the sea's waves? What monsters lurk in the dark fathoms of Earth's waters? Where there is mystery, there is horror. Simultaneous Submissions: Sure, but please let us know that it's a simultaneous submission and tell us immediately if it was accepted somewhere else. Multiple Submissions: Yes Reprints: Yes, but let us know where it has been previously printed and make sure you have the rights to have it reprinted. Word Count: Up to 10k words. Formatting: This is a very good guide if you have any questions. You can't really go wrong with it. But, if you don't feel like reading that, here's the down and dirty of it. Italicize italics. Do not underline Don't use spaces to lead paragraphs. Use tab or, even better, the formatting options to get the indent. For scene breaks, use either "#" or "***". Use an easy to read font, like Arial or Times New Roman in a reasonable size (about 12 point). Double space your work. Submission Please make sure to include a synopsis of the piece in your cover letter. If you're not sure how to do that, here's a good collection of articles to learn from. Yes, even it's poetry or flash. Just a quick line or two helps us out a lot. Aside from that, just be yourself. Tell us anything you think we should know about you or your work. What inspired you to write this? How did you find us? What's your favorite part about this work? Who inspires you? Once you've done all that, go ahead and...

Taking Submissions: Cross+Decay Issue #1

Deadline: February 15th, 2018 Payment: Fiction: $0.02/word, $0.01/word after 500 words. Poetry: $0.50/line, $0.25/line after 20 lines. Cross+Decay is a new art and literary magazine curated by crucifixvi, a Calgary-based multi-media artist and writer. The first issue of this magazine will be launched in Spring 2018, available in print and digital formats.   The magazine will be quarterly, with each issue featuring an over-arching theme. The debut issue is 'Ghosts'. The work must adhere to this theme, but it is up to the conceptualization and interpretation of the artist. Cross+Decay is looking for prose, poetry, and visual art submissions. Prose can be short fiction or short non-fiction, 500-1000 words. Visual art can be of any medium, including photography and photographs of three-dimensional work.   Accepted creators will be paid for their work. Prose- $0.02/word, $0.01/word after 500 words. Poetry- $0.50/line, $0.25/line after 20 lines. Artwork- $15/selected digital file (high quality .jpeg required)   All creators will continue to have full rights to their work.   Please email submissions to [email protected], with full name, a short bio, and any relevant information regarding the work. If you have any further questions, please send an email to the above address.  

Taking Submissions: Dressed in Black: Erotic Tales of Edgar Allan Poe

Deadline: February 15th, 2018 Payment: $25 for digital rights with an option or another $25 for physical Note: As always when posting erotica calls this is only because of the darker nature of the call. Details: Murder. Revenge. Madness. These are the hallmarks of Edgar Allan Poe’s fiction. But so are love, longing, and loss. It may seem strange, at first blush, to compile a collection of erotica inspired by Poe’s work. Much of his writing explores themes of death and isolation. But gothic fiction has long been ripe ground for examining human sexuality and Poe’s work in particular is overdue for just such an agitation. Send me stories that flip the narrative. Give the outsiders a voice. Think outside the box. I don’t want simple rewrites of his work with sex thrown in. Make it crucial to the tale. While best known for his horror fiction, Poe was also a pioneer in the science fiction and detective fiction genres. I am looking for stories in any genre so long as the influence is Poe’s work. They do not need to be set during the time period he was alive in. Send me futuristic Poe stories. Send me Poe stories that are inclusive and exist outside of the standard narratives. And of course, send me stories that are hot and exciting too. All gender pairings are welcome so long as the sex is between consenting adults. And to be absolutely clear, the consent must take place BEFORE the sexual act.   Length: Our preferred length is approximately 3,000 to 7,000 words, but we will consider the range from 2,000 to 8,000 words. How to submit: All submissions must be made via email to [email protected] Please include a short bio with your submission. Standard manuscript formatting rules apply. Send manuscript as an attachment (MS Word...

Taking Submissions: Deciduous Tales

Deadline: February 15th, 2018 Payment: 3 cents per word We are looking for horror and dark fiction with well realized characters, a strong voice and literary merit between 1000 and 5000 words. Query first for any story longer than 5000 words. We pay three cents a word for unsolicited work at time of publication via PayPal. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please contact us immediately if your story is accepted elsewhere. No multiple submissions or reprints, please. Please include a very brief introduction listing any previous publications.          [email protected] Via: Deciduous Tales.

Taking Submissions: Black Buttons Volume 3

Deadline: February 16th, 2018 Payment: $50 and a contributor's copy Ah, the Midwest. We are people of the earth, who roll up our sleeves and do what need's doing. We deliver an honest day's work for an honest day's pay, we try to give gratitude for the simple things- our health, the love of family and friends, and humility is no stranger to us, because the taller you think you are, well, the farther you have to fall on your face.  We like to help other people when we can, whether it's with some sweat, or just a smile, because you should treat others the way you want to be treated.  . Not a bad place to raise a family, right? Dig a little deeper, because all is not right where the bible belt buckles.  That's where the Black Buttons series of short stories anthologies plants its speculative fiction seeds- the fertile "what if" soil of the Midwestern Ethos. If Stephen King can make Maine a horror-ble place to live, we can do the same for the heartland. For Black Buttons Vol. 3, we're looking for Midwestern themed horror and dark fiction- but with a family-related motif. Siblings, parents, grandparents, children, cousins, married "kin"- you name it. Even brothers and sisters in a college's greek system, or in a trade or labor union. Think of the ties that bind us...and then twist'em good and hard. WHAT WE WANT:            We love stories that have characters with whom we can connect.  Nobody's perfect, and few bad people are 100% bad.  Give us a story to follow, and someone we hate to lose, or love to hate.  It could even have a "happy" ending, or be funny.  Just help us connect with the characters, and thereby we can be interested in what happens to...

Taking Submissions: Super Pack Vampires Anthology

Deadline: February 21st, 2018 Payment: $25 Note: Primarily looking for reprints. Note: I received a message about this on Facebook and couldn't find a direct link to them and have no knowlede on this publisher. Additional details welcome. Wilder Publication is calling for Vampire stories to be used in a reprint anthology in its Super Pack series. Payment is $25.00 on acceptance in exchange for non-exclusive hard cover, trade paper back, and e-book rights. While we’ll consider original stories the payment would remain the same so we recommend you sell first rights to a more lucrative market. We’re looking for vampires with fangs. Stories should be atmospheric and moody. Submissions should be e-mailed to [email protected] and marked Vampire Submission. Reading period from 1/21/18 to 2/21/18. Responses will be prompt.