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Taking Submissions: Cosmic Horror Monthly July 2022 (Early Listing)

Submission Window: July 1st-14th, 2022 Payment: 3 cents per word for original fiction. 5k words = $150. 1 cent per word for reprints. 20 – 30 dollars for artwork chosen as interior content. Negotiable. 100 dollars for cover art. Negotiable. Theme: Cosmic Horror, Lovecraftian, Weird stories, original and reprints Note: Reprints Welcome Cosmic Horror Monthly is a horror and weird fiction magazine edited by Charles Tyra. *SUBMISSIONS CLOSED!* – Submission periods are twice yearly from January 1st – January 14th and July 1st – July 14th. January stories accepted will appear in issues from the following July – December July stories accepted will appear in issues from the following January – June SUBMISSION PROCEDURES We are now accepting Non-Fiction submissions as well as Fiction. We would love to see Non Fiction pieces that explore the state of horror as well as the philosophies that are often found in Cosmic Horror, existentialism, nihilism, etc. Instructions: All writing must be submitted via email to [email protected]. When submitting, include a little background information about yourself in the body and attach the story in the form of a Microsoft Word file. Please include a word count and a brief synopsis of the work. For artwork, please put a link to the gallery/pieces in the body of the email along with any relevant background information. You may also attach example work. Acceptable file formats for attachments are DOC, and DOCX for fiction, JPG, and PNG for art. The subject line of the email should read: “CHM Fiction Submission” for fiction, “CHM Non-Fiction Submission” for non-fiction, and “CHM Art Submission” for art. Guidelines Cosmic Horror Monthly is seeking Cosmic Horror, Lovecraftian, Weird stories, original and reprints. If you aren’t sure if your work qualifies, submit it and we can decide. No subject is off-limits and we do...

Taking Submissions: Apparition Lit July 2022 Contest

Submission Window: July 1st-14th, 2022 Prize: $30. Theme: Inspired by the image above Apparition Lit is a speculative fiction magazine that publishes themed issues four times a year. We publish poems and stories between 1k-5k words in January, April, July, and October. We also hold monthly flash fiction contests between the 1st and 15th of each month. Flash stories must be under a 1000 words and be inspired or based on the chosen theme. Full details for submission guidelines are below. Submissions for Flash Fiction (pieces under 1k) will be accepted on the first 14 days of every month (For example, January Flash submissions will be accepted January 1-14). Stories must be based on the image prompt for that month. No rejections will be sent for flash submissions, and one winning story will be selected each month. After the selected writer is notified, their story will be posted in the 4th week of the month. WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR We want succinct speculative stories. Flex your writing muscles and send us flash fiction of 1k words or less. Each month Apparition Lit holds a flash fiction contest. We’ll be looking for previously unpublished stories that are inspired by the monthly photograph prompt.  Flash fiction should be a complete story, not an excerpt of a larger work. If you aren’t sure how to write a flash piece, check out the write-up at Writer’s Digest. For 2022 we chose to highlight photographers whose work inspires us! We’re fond of the creativity that ekphrastic writing sparks, so we’ve selected some images to light that flash flame. Ekphrastic writing is the act of creating a vivid description of a specific image or artwork. We encourage you to create a full story (under 1k words) about the characters and worlds in the images we’ve chosen. Flash...