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Taking Submissions: Bear Creek Gazette

Deadline: December 10th, 2020 (Sorry!) Payment: $30 Theme: Weird, scary, and beautiful things that take place in the imaginary town of Bear Creek Welcome to the Bear Creek Gazette Bear Creek is a beautiful town that doesn't exist. The B.C.G is here to document the weird, scary and beautiful things that take place in the town. If you would like to write an article about your time in Bear Creek, please email us at ​ [email protected] ​ What we are looking for; Anything you would find in a regular news portal. So it can be a headline article about a serial killer on the loose, a Sudoku that tells you to kill yourself, a restaurant review that turns into rampant cannibalism or anything in between. While not a strictly horror themed site, I will always gravitate towards the unsettling and weird. Your creative process is entirely up to you, and you can go absolutely wild as far as I am concerned. Think Welcome to Night Vale, The Wicker Man, Twin Peaks and you are on the right track. While writing for a newspaper might seem constricting, this is an extremely strange town and almost anything goes. I aim to be as immersive as possible, so obviously I won’t be able to run 25 of the same type of article. If two people submit cool articles detailing the same sort of thing, only one will get chosen. If this happens I am going to strip naked, staple both pieces onto my body and run through the woods until one falls off. No word limit/image count. Send me anything. Format it however you want. I am not going to reject something because it’s in 48pt Comic Sans. Response time will be between 1 and 2 weeks. This 6 month thing is nonsense...