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Taking Submissions: Unnerving Magazine
January 31, 2019
Deadline: January 31st, 2019
Payment: $0.03/word original $0.01/word reprint
Unnerving Magazine accepts short story submissions of horror, dark science fiction (light), dark fantasy, crime, thriller, and suspense. Generally leaning toward horror over other genres. Sex, gore and violence are welcome in moderation (nothing gratuitous). The same goes for bizarro works, nothing too far gone (whatever that means). Please no hard science fiction, sword and sorcery fantasy, erotica, romance, humor that isn’t sinister or literary works that venture so far into experimental that they become nonsense, no cop dramas unless hard boiled gumshoe vs. supernatural, no fan fiction, no war stories, no stories where rape is the lead character’s motivator, and no blatant rip-offs. No Lovecraft characters, locations, or wording.
Moving forward, I am less interested in quiet horror, though still will print it, as there are significantly more paying markets for dark literary and dark weird than thrilling and commercial horror.
Payment is 3¢/word for original fiction and 1¢/word reprint fiction. I ask for three months exclusivity from publication date and non-exclusive print-on-demand rights for five years. Submit only one story at a time. Submit in .docx, .doc or .odt only. Double-spaced. No tabs. No extra spaces after periods. Please use common sense when formatting. Everything hard on the eyes will be rejected automatically. Allow for up to 6 months before querying. Simultaneous submissions are welcome (which means submitting to other publications, not sending me every story you’ve ever written). Open to authors from any country. Payment by PayPal only within 30 days of publication.
If accepted, wait six issues to submit again.
Only stories from 800-4,000 (FIRM! DO! NOT! ASK! TO! SUBMIT! OTHER! LENGTHS!) words will be considered with preference leaning toward stories around 2,500 words.
Via: Unnerving Magazine.