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Taking Submissions: Tales of the Undead – Hell Wh*re Volume III
September 10, 2013
Deadline: September 10th, 2013
Payment: Exposures and Royalties
Deadline: September 10th, 2013
Payment: Exposure and Royalties
Flash fiction & Short Stories (1,000 – 6,000 words)
Poetry accepted – Reprints too
Ladies of the night step forth to be counted, those who write, and those who choose to tell tales about them.
The scope of such a topic brings forth boundless notions for the budding author. Maybe your protagonist is a female reaper, or an undead harlot? Let’s get to know the sisters of obscenity. Give me deals with the devil, illegal experiments, and mysterious miracles. Zombies, Vampires, and Spirits are welcome. Make them dark, make them decadent, but above all make them sexy – these should be the kind of stories that wouldn’t usually see daylight.
No taboos, just let your imagination run wild.
Dark fairytales, bizarre, horror, surrealism, dark science-fiction are all cool here.
Submission guidelines:
Deadline for submissions – September 10th, 2013.
Word Count: 1,000 – 6,000 words.
Please submit your manuscript as a *.doc or *.docx file (all other formats will automatically be rejected. Contact me prior to submitting if this presents an issue for you.)
Font and formatting: Please submit in Times New Roman, 12 point font; single line spacing. Please format the document to 1st line indentation of 1″. The page margin should be set to .2″
Please check grammar.
Upon acceptance into the anthology, you agree that Horrified Press holds exclusive publishing rights for six months from the date of publication; after that date has passed, all intellectual property rights revert to the author with the proviso that Horrified Press retains distribution rights in the format of the contracted anthology.
This title will be available as an E-book, and as a quality trade paperback
Nathan J.D.L. Rowark will be presiding over this anthology.
Email your submission as an attachment to; [email protected]
The email subject line must read “SUBMISSION – Hell wh*re anthology v3 – ‘your story title’” or your submission will not be considered for this anthology.
Successful applicants will be notified one week after the deadline has expired.
Our first anthology, ‘Tales of the Undead-Hell Wh*re’, is available now from Amazon.com & Lulu.com
[via: Horrified Press.]