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Taking Submissions: Working title: Feast or Famine
September 1, 2013
Deadline: September 1, 2013
Payment: Creators of accepted items will receive a copy of the anthology, invitations to any events pertinent to the Anthology, and samples of promotional or marketing materials created for the Anthology.
Anthology Theme: There are individuals known as survivalists, or now known by the recently coined term: preppers. These people are making preparations to ensure their safety and continued existence in the occurrence of a catastrophic disaster or event. But what happens when the SHTF? Really? You will have a population of have and have nots. Those who were ready and prepared and those who are caught unaware and panicked. The struggle for available resources will be another catastrophic event in and of itself as humans fight to either defend and retain what they have established or to take what others had the foresight to store and prepare.
This is the end as we know it. For some, life and death hinges on acquiring basic human needs, while for others life is good, if not better in accordance with their due diligence.
The Zombie Apocalypse has arrived. Will it be feast or famine?
We are accepting short stories, poems, recipes, and artwork for this anthology. Written items should be edited to the best of your ability but they will be reviewed for any missed grammatical or sentence structure errors. In the case of glaring errors or obvious oversight, content change may be encouraged. Artwork should be submitted in a quality resolution jpg file no larger than 500×750 pixels.
Written submission requirements:
Must be a member of ZombieFans.com http://zombiefans.com/
All entries must be in a .doc or .rtf file.
12 pt., Times New Roman font
Single spaced
Indent paragraphs
Approximately 5,000-10,000 words
Author’s name and email, story title, and word count must be on first page.
Only unpublished stories will be accepted
Artistic submission requirements:
Must be a member of ZombieFans.com http://zombiefans.com/
Color or black/white images will be accepted
jpg file
No larger than 500×750 pixels
Author/Artist rights:
Rights remain with the author/artist. Upon submission, it is understood the item will not be published or shared elsewhere by the author/artist until after the Anthology is released. After publication, we encourage the author/artist to share their work as much as possible.
Creators of accepted items will receive a copy of the anthology, invitations to any events pertinent to the Anthology, and samples of promotional or marketing materials created for the Anthology.
Publisher rights:
1st publishing rights
The right to use the item as long as there is demand for the Anthology
The right to refuse an item which does not meet our standards or requirements
The right to edit accepted written work for grammatical and sentence structure errors
The right to encourage content change if there are glaring errors
The right to use the author/artist name and parts of accepted items for marketing and promotion purposes
Please submit your work to: [email protected]
For questions or comments visit the Anthology discussion on Zombie Fans:
For additional technical background groundwork see James Jackson’s group: Prepping 101: The Basics http://zombiefans.com/group/prepping-101-the-basics
[via: Beckis Book Blog.]