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Taking Submissions: State of Horror: North Carolina
August 1, 2014
Submission Period: May 1, 2014 and August 1, 2014
Payment The State of Horror Anthologies are a royalty-only payment schedule plus a contributor paperback copy. The royalties are 50% of the sales per eBook and Print book divided between the authors, paid every six months. Each book will contain 13 stories.
As part of the State of Horror Anthologies, Charon Coin Press under editor Jerry E. Benns, will begin accepting stories based in the state of North Carolina. Submitted stories meeting the guidelines below will have the opportunity to be included into the upcoming release of this popular anthology series. Before we get to the guidelines, let’s take a look at the featured state for this release.
North Carolina, one of the thirteen original colonies and one of the first states, will be a new release for State of Horror. It is often over shadowed by its neighbors South Carolina and Virginia. However, North Carolina has a rich and varied history of its own, making it the perfect setting for inclusion in the State of Horror Anthologies.
The geography of North Carolina inherently lends itself to a variety of haunting locales and potentially scary stories. Whether you want the rolling mountains of the Appalachians with their dense pine forests and miniature deer, or a seafaring story along the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean, North Carolina has the perfect settings. North Carolina’s cities of Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham, hold historical potential and are large enough cities to explore a post-apocalypse tale.
The folklore of North Carolina has well-defined legends and tales to draw from for a horror story. Stories can delve back in time to pre-Columbian Native Americans and their legends, or explore colonial times and Revolutionary settings with ghost ships, or maybe a Civil War Era hauntings. The Vanderbilt mansion-Biltmore- would make an excellent Gilded Age setting for a horrific story of excess and greed. So many opportunities for a well-spun horror story can be set anywhere in North Carolina, so let your imagination run wild.
North Carolina was a hot bed for religious revivals, but in contrast, it holds a deep seeded history of superstition and dark legends. Because of North Carolina’s history as a slave state prior to the Civil War, many legends were imported from the cultures of slaves, merging with ideas from local legends, all of which could be the basis for a great story. North Carolina has no shortage of the twisted and macabre to inspire terrifying stories.
North Carolina offers a wide spectrum of potential tales. Submission of stories do not require living in the state. The stories do, however, require the ability to weave a tale designed to give readers a little glimpse into the essence of North Carolina. The submitted stories may draw upon any time-period. Stories can also be in any vein of horror.
Submission Guidelines
Charon Coin Press announces open call for submissions for the State of Horror: NorthCarolina.
Word count for this collection is a minimum of 4,000 words not to exceed 9,000 words. Preferred format for submission is: Times New Roman at 12 pt. font. Submission should include: title, author name,author email, and word count of completed story. File type accepted is .doc, .docx, and .rtf. Submission must be made via [email protected]. Subject line for submission email should contain: author’s name, State of Horror: North Carolina. Stories will not be accepted through snail mail.
Stories may contain characters and worlds created in other stories published by the author as long as it meets the requirement of the theme of State of Horror: North Carolina. If a submission has been previously released, please include information about the previous released story publication and the release date. Stories may not be published in any other form for twelve (12) months prior to or after release of the State of Horror: North Carolina. NO multiple submissions.
Charon Coin Press understands that sexual content and violence may be included in the stories. However, before inclusion of this type of content, please make sure that it is relevant to the story’s progression.
Submission is open between May 1, 2014 and August 1, 2014
The release of each book will have a promotional campaign. Authors who have had their submissions selected will be requested to participate in the marketing of the book in which they are included.
The State of Horror Anthologies are a royalty-only payment schedule plus a contributor paperback copy. The royalties are 50% of the sales per eBook and Print book divided between the authors, paid every six months. Each book will contain 13 stories.
Charon Coin Press will make every effort to announce selected stories within six (6) weeks of the close date listed above. We look forward to reading your submission.
Source: Charon Coin Press.