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Taking Submissions: Something Good to Eat
August 21, 2020
Deadline: August 21st, 2020
Payment: $100 and royalties
Theme: This anthology is looking for stories set on or around Halloween
Note: Reprints welcome
Halloween: a night when the dead roam freely among the unsuspecting living; when the boundary between reality and fantasy, between this world and the next, is as thin as paper mache; when monsters both human and daemonic stalk the shadows, seeking easy prey…
All Hallow’s Eve: a night to hide behind your best mask, lock your doors, and keep your Jack-o’-lantern burning till dawn. Because Something is knocking at the door, boys and girls…
And it’s hungry.
What I’m looking for: Great horror, well written. Send me literary horror, pulp, dark fantasy, gore, magical realism – whatever suits you as a writer so long as your story is set on or around Halloween, or relates in some way to the holiday and its customs. Give me your Samhain-inflected stories of vampires, witches, werewolves, ghouls, zombies, ghosts, serial killers, aliens, revenge from beyond the grave, mirrors at midnight, etc. Or maybe something more personal, more idiosyncratic – experimentation and uniqueness are always a plus! For an idea of the sort of tone I’m looking for think classic E.C. Comics (Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror) Creepshow, Tales from the Darkside, Trick ‘r’ Treat, Monsters, The Twilight Zone, etc.
What I’m not looking for: homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism or any other ism free of narrative context. No rape, excessive torture or sexual violence (especially toward children).
How to Submit: Please send all submissions to [email protected] in either a .docx or .rtf file. Include the word Submission in subject, as well as your name and the title of your story. Include a brief bio in the body of your e-mail listing any previous publishing credits.
Deadline: August 21, 2020
Length: 2000-10,000 words
Reprints, Multiple Submissions and Simultaneous Submissions: I will be accepting a limited number of reprints. Multiple submissions are okay, but in the end I will select the story of yours that tugs at my cold heart the most. Simultaneous submissions are also okay; please just tell me if your story is placed elsewhere.
Payment: $100 upon acceptance (via PayPal or e-transfer) + royalties
Via: Demon’s Dreaming Press.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!