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Taking Submissions: PTSD Related Fiction Stories
January 31, 2019
Deadline: January 31st, 2019
Payment: 6 cents per word
Note: This market is only open to veterans

Publisher, veteran, recovered alcoholic and substance abuser, James Musgrave, is looking for veterans of the United States Military to write stories about conquering post-traumatic stress. Each author will be featured inside this anthology with a tailored illustration by an artist (see featured drawing in this post). In addition, the author will receive a professional rate of .06 cents per word (up to 5,000 words maximum).
Each vet author must provide a scan of his/her military ID or a copy of his/her DD214 discharge paper along with his/her submission.
A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of this volume will be going to organizations that assist veterans in coping with their PTSD, such as suicide prevention, medical and psychological care facilities, and dog companion services.
To get an idea of what the publisher is looking for in this volume, please read a copy of the title story at the author’s Google Doc website (you must join Google Doc to read–it’s free).
Each author will also provide a short bio and photo. One of the giveaways at the Kickstarter campaign will be a signed copy featuring all the authors in the volume.
The publisher is looking for stories that are realistic and human. The emphasis will be to show dialogue and the juxtaposed reality of how psychological “flashbacks” can enter the present and must be coped with to survive on a daily basis. As you can see in the title story, the pathos was fictionalized by using the dialogue between a vet on a suicide hotline talking to a veteran’s daughter who wants to join her father in death. PTSD affects more than the vet him or herself, so the stories in this volume will hopefully show this effect on others. In addition, this is not a “war action” anthology. It deals with how these experiences can affect the daily coping mechanisms involved in living in a so-called “peacetime economy.” Note: Original fiction only. No re-prints.
The turn-around time will be swift on this, but authors must get their stories into the publisher before the end of January, 2019.
Got your manuscript ready? Submit here.
Via: EMRE Publishing.