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Taking Submissions: Monsters
January 30, 2015
Deadline: Friday, January 30, 2015
Payment: $0.05US cents/per word up to 5,000 words, for each edited manuscript accepted into the anthology
There are real-live monsters all around us.
All you have to do to find them is open your eyes.
For our next anthology of horror, MONSTERS (this is the working title and is likely to change), we’re looking for your best original horror fiction that investigates the evil that lives among us—the monster that is man.
MONSTERS will include a selection of dark fiction focusing on ‘man as monster.’ We are looking for your most horrifying, most dreadful, most frightening tales that highlight the creatures that haunt your nightmares, or even those who may live down the block. For this anthology we want your dark, chilling, character-driven tales portraying the deadliest monsters of all—mankind.
While we are not specifically looking for stories whose characters, setting or plot include classic horror monsters—werewolves or vampires and their ilk—we will not disqualify such tales as, on the most basic of levels, these classic monsters are still (or once were) human. Although, stories that include such famous fiends should, at minimum, put a new spin on the theme or have a brand new take on the chosen horror monster.
What we most definitely do want to read are stories that encapsulate the dark and demented behavior of the monster that lives next door (or maybe even the one who lives in your own house…) Serial killers. Demented clowns. Vengeful mothers-in-law. The possibilities are, literally, endless.
As with our current catalog of bestselling anthologies, we do not want to limit your creativity with a narrow theme. We expect MONSTERS will include a wide range of stories of monsters from every category, with the common denominator being that they must have some connection with their humanity.
Anywhere your mind takes, so long as it takes you on a journey to investigate the darkness with mankind, will be considered for this anthology that is planned for publication in 2015.
Please review our Complete Submissions Guidelines below. Feel free to contact us here on the site with any questions with a message to[email protected].
We thank you for your interest in considering Grey Matter Press as a potential home for your work.
*MONSTERS is the working title for this volume. Grey Matter Press reserves the right to change the title as necessary.
WORD COUNT: 3,000 – 7,500 words
REPRINTS: We are not accepting reprints for MONSTERS
DEADLINE: Friday, January 30, 2015
PAYMENT: $0.05US cents/per word up to 5,000 words, for each edited manuscript accepted into the anthology
FORMATS: *.docx, *.doc, *.txt, *.rtf
CONTACT ADDRESS: [email protected]
Acceptable File Formats: Grey Matter Press wants to make your submission process easy and painless. We accept manuscripts that are *.docx, *.doc, .txt or .rtf file formats. If you have any questions about the formatting of your manuscript, feel free to contact us directly at[email protected]
Digital Submissions: Unfortunately, we cannot accept reprints. (Reprints also include any work that has appeared online in magazines, journals, personal websites or any other online location.) Only previously unpublished work will be accepted. We will accept your submission via email at [email protected]. Subject lines should contain name of Anthology and the title of the story being submitted. (ex: MONSTERS – ‘Title of Story.’
Font Usage and General Formatting: We request that all files be submitted double-spaced, using either Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font. Page margins should be no less than .5 inch on all borders. Please do not MANUALLY INSERT HEADERS and/or FOOTERs. If using headers/footers, please employ standard Word header/footer tools rather than manually inserting such into the body of your Word document.
Proofreading: As with any professional communication, all manuscripts should be edited and proofread prior to submission.
Distribution: Upon acceptance, Grey Matter Press will hold all exclusive worldwide publishing rights for the period defined within the author contract (generally 18 months from original publication date). Copyright remains that of the author. At the end of that term, publishing rights revert to the original author, with Grey Matter Press retaining distribution rights for the format(s) originally contracted.
Contributor Copies: All contributors whose work is accepted and published in the anthology will, in the case of digital publishing, receive a digital copy of the complete anthology, and in the case of paperback publishing, will receive one copy of the anthology. (Additional copies may be purchased by contributing authors at greatly reduced cost and will be outlined in contributor contract.)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Via: Grey Matter Press.