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Taking Submissions: Lighthouses
December 31, 2014
Deadline: December 31st, 2014
Payment: $20 per story regardless of length plus a print and ebook copy of the final product.
“BLACK BEACON’S LIGHTHOUSES” GUIDELINES Open from October 3 to December 31, 2014
We want your tales about or strongly featuring lighthouses and beacons. Any genre is acceptable.
Original and unpublished tales preferred, but previously published also considered. No simultaneous submissions.
3,000 to 25,000 words
$20 per story regardless of length plus a print and ebook copy of the final product.
Inclusion in the anthology means that you give BBB Exclusive Worldwide English Language rights (this covers both electronic and print) and that you assure that your work has not been previously published and that you will not publish it elsewhere until 12 months after the official release of the anthology. Beyond that, BBB will no longer retain any rights to your work and will not publish it in any other publication without your permission.
31st of December, 2014
Expected release date:
TBA – probably late 2015
How we sell:
Each title is released, distributed, and sold differently. Most are released as both print and ebooks but some may be released as one or the other. Here at Black Beacon Books, we are particularly interested in promoting the traditional print format. Our print titles are often sold at independent bookshops and markets stall holders around Australia as well as online for a global readership. Our ebooks our generally sold via Smashwords.
Editor contributions:
Our editors and artists reserve the right to have their work included in the anthologies we publish. Some people do not like this practice, and we respect that point of view, however, we do not consider it a problem. There are very few Australian publishers releasing mystery and suspense anthologies, so if we don’t publish our own work, it will go unread. Please do not submit a story for a Black Beacon Books anthology if you are not pleased to have it included alongside an editor or artist contribution.
What we expect from authors who are selected:
As an independent publisher, we need authors who are motivated and proactive. Please submit quality writing and be prepared to work with the team to make your story the very best it can be. Also, help promote the book (through word-of-mouth and online networking) pre and post release.
How to submit:
Please note that we are based in Australia and use British English spelling. Submissions are encouraged from all over the world but be aware that the editor may wish to make changes to those containing North American usages.
Also, the editor prefers:
– Quotation marks to be single for general dialogue.
– Only one space at the end of sentences.
– The use of italics. Do not replace them with an underline.
Once you’ve finished your tale and edited it… and edited again, and asked your mum and dog to proof-read it, send it as a .doc (NO .docx) or .rtf file to ctrost (at) hotmail (dot) com
Be sure to include your contact details in your email AND in the file. In the subject of your email, write: “BBB Submission”.
Via: Black Beacon Books.