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Taking Submissions: Funicular Magazine
March 1, 2020
Deadline: March 1st, 2020
Payment: Short story: $10/printed page (up to a maximum of $100), Flash: $25 per piece
Theme: fiction and poetry that shocks, surprises, moves, and tickles – not genre work
Funicular Magazine publishes quality fiction and poetry that shocks, surprises, moves, and tickles us. Maybe all of those things in a single piece. We are a Canadian magazine and we want to publish Canadian voices, but don’t be shy if you aren’t Canadian. We love sharing international writers with our readers too.
General Guidelines
✅ Font: We don’t care, just make sure we can read it or, y’know, we won’t
✅ File Type: PDF, Word, Text file
✅ Simultaneous Submissions (please withdraw your piece if it is being published elsewhere)
✅ Multiple Submissions (see specific submission limits below)
❌ No previously published stories (in print or online). Self-published is fine.
❌ No genre fiction. There are places for genre fiction. One of those places is not here.
❌ Do not put your name anywhere in the document or filename. We read submissions blind.
What We Want
If we like your work, we will ask for online and/or serial publication rights.
Short Fiction
Julio Cortazar said that the novel wins by points, the short story by knockout. Think about that when sending us your work.
A short story can normally be read in one sitting, and if your sciatica is acting up you usually won’t be sitting for very long. 3000 words max. You can go a little over the limit. Don’t stress. Everything is going to be fine.
Submissions Allowed Per Entry: 1
William Carlos Williams, Ford Maddox Ford, Elizabeth Barret Browning, Henry David Thoreau, William Butler Yeats, Edward Estlin Cummings. These are the names of some poets we know with three names. If you are a poet with three names you should definitely send us some poetry. Only have one or two names? Send some anyway. Poetry will be the glue that keeps this whole magazine together.
We have no idea what we’re looking for when it comes to poetry but we will know it when we see it.
Submissions Allowed Per Entry: 3
Flash Fiction
What is Flash? Nobody knows for sure. Flash is brilliant. Flash is short. Flash doesn’t have time to mess around. Flash can surprise. Flash can pulverize. Do whatever you want but make sure you make it count and make it short.
Short fiction under 1000 words is the general rule for flash fiction.
Submissions Allowed Per Entry: 3
What You Get
We are committed to paying the writers we publish in print.
- Short story: $10/printed page (up to a maximum of $100)
- Flash: $25 per piece
- Poetry: $25 per piece
- We’ll also throw in a contributor’s copy so you can place it conspicuously on your coffee table to help convince your parents you are not wasting your life on this writing thing.
We do not currently pay for pieces accepted for online publication only.
Via: Funicular Magazine’s Submittable.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!