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Taking Submissions: EconoClash Review

May 31, 2019

Deadline: May 31st, 2019

Payment: $10

EconoClash Review (Quality Cheap Thrillsis a biannual print journal of Genre Fiction.

We accept only the best contemporary pulp submissions. Which includes quality Crime, Noir, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Weird, Humor and Other Words for Uplifting Gormandizers.

 EconoClash Review believes in free speech and wants to provide our readers with a much needed escape into other worlds. We like stories about Weirdos, Criminals and Pregnant Prom Queens going to great lengths to destroy or keep the status quo. HOWEVER, we don’t want erotica, or adult content, or torture between characters of any age, race, species both real or fictional. Nothing gratuitous. Avoid the tropes best you can. Just because we want GENRE doesn’t mean we want STALE.

Above all else–EconoClash Review wants fiction full of energy that feels real. 

We encourage our writers to submit short fiction between 1,500 and 4,500 words.

That word limit is FIRM and STRICTLY ENFORCED.

We will open again for subs May 1st to May 31st 2019. Any manuscripts sent outside the open submission window will be deleted unread. Follow us on Twitter @econoclashrevue for updates.

EconoClash Review 
claims the following publishing rights: First English Language Rights, English Language Periodical Rights, World Periodical Rights, First Audio Distribution Rights, Subsidiary Rights and Electronic Distribution Rights. All Rights revert back to the writer six months after initial publication. Should EconoClash Review choose to create an anthology of previously published work, new rights will be negotiated. Bear in mind that most publications will not publish pieces that have been published in print, eBook, or on the web, so for all intents and purposes after your work is published by us it can only be marketed as a reprint, which severely limits the number of markets that will accept it, and drastically reduces the pay rate it can receive. It is up to you, the author, to decide if giving up your First Publishing Right for our token payment, is really what you want to do.

EconoClash Review will accept simultaneous submissions, as long as the author alerts us as soon as it is accepted elsewhere. We will NOT CONSIDER multiple submissions. Send us only one quality pulp story at a time.

***Please wait six weeks after rejection notice before submitting more work***

EconoClash Review will not publish reprints unless requested by the editor.



Send your proofread and spelling corrected story in STANDARD MANUSCRIPT FORMAT as an attached document (.doc, .docx or .rtf) to

econoclashreview (at) gmail (dot) com

In your email heading please include (Genre*) submission_Title of Story_Your Last Name.
*ECR wants to market your work properly. With as many genre mash-ups as there are, please be specific to your particular genre**
**Yes we understand that genre is a genre but please be specific to your exact subgenre.

In the Body of the email please provide a brief cover letter and 3rd person bio.

ARTWORK: we are accepting ORIGINAL submissions for interior artwork only. You must own all elements of your submitted image. Must be attached as a high resolution .jpg

We currently pay our contributors a TOKEN flat fee ten dollars per story/artwork*** 

All Payments will be processed through PayPal.

***EconoClash Review is an Indie Genre Rag. Getting paid and paying more’s always gonna be the dream. If you’re a serious indie writer you’re most likely an indie reader. We’re not publishing Quality Cheap Thrills for something as common as money. No thank you. We want to publish something pure and high quality but also rattles your teeth. Think on this: H.P. Lovecraft made an average of five dollars a week being a ghostwriter. Barely enough to cover his expenses and died in poverty. While Robert E. Howard was the highest paid person in his backwater Texas town. And they were getting published in the same magazines. Stephen King sold stories to nudie mags to pay his family’s bills. While Charles Bukowski sent out hundreds of stories and poems without carbons and without a return address. EconoClash Review promises to fight the good fight as long as humanly possible…with times as hard as these we know the world could use some Quality Cheap Thrills.

EconoClash Review believes in Diversity. We do not judge our contributor’s work based on ANYTHING other than the work itself. If you’re quality junk is classy-trashy and sticks to the nitty-gritty then it will be recognized.

All Accepted Stories will be considered for inclusion in our Podcast. Whenever that happens.


J.D. Graves

Via: EconoClash Review


May 31, 2019