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Taking Submissions: Dastardly Damsels
September 15, 2022
Deadline: September 15th, 2022
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Female, or female identifying authors with stories that include strong elements of horror. Your story does not need a female protagonist, but must feature a female symbol of strength
‘Dastardly Damsels’
This anthology is open only to female, or female identifying authors. Diverse voices are strongly encouraged!
Once upon a time, there was an expression that stated, ‘Damsel in Distress’. Poor gal. And wicked men were ‘dastardly’.
That was long ago, and the reason I selected such an unusual title for this anthology… Women are no longer the poor helpless creatures that history has often portrayed. It is our time to rise, grab the reins, and gain control of our own destinies!
For ‘Dastardly Damsels’, I am seeking stories that include strong elements of horror. Your story does not need a female protagonist, but must feature a female symbol of STRENGTH: a woman who overcomes abuse, a female serial killer, an alien who rules a planet, a story portraying Medusa… Think outside of the box. It can be told from any POV, and can take place in any time period. The horror can be blended with sci-fi, fantasy, or even romance!
Fiction or fact, it must be in a storytelling format, which has a beginning, a middle, and a satisfying ending… That does not mean happy, necessarily!
Please make it exciting and unique!
Times New Roman, 12pt, to submit your twisted tale. Stories need to be properly formatted and well written. If there are more mistakes than story, it will be rejected. Please paste your story in the body of your email and submit to:
[email protected]
Multiple Submissions, yes…but I will select only ONE story per author.
Simultaneous Submissions, yes…but email me immediately if you place your story elsewhere.
The phenomenally talented Carson Buckingham will be assisting me with the editing, and has agreed to include her story, ‘For Number 11’… Trust me when I tell you that the statue of Saint Rita makes those scary Weeping Angels look like kittens.
I welcome authors I have worked with as well as new talent. While REPRINTS ARE DISCOURAGED, if you have a reprint that will blow me away, by all means send it. I am planning to feature 25 to 30 stories, between 2500 and 6000 words each. Dark poetry will also be considered. The word count limit is not firm, only a guideline.
I plan to promote the heck out of this anthology and hope to secure an agent or solid publisher. I cannot promise the outcome but will work hard to make this anthology a success! Authors who have already worked with me know this to be true.
A portion of any financial compensation received will be split between the authors. The more successful this anthology, the more potential to earn.
Visit and ‘like’ the DASTARDLY DAMSELS Facebook page. BTW, the artwork is temporary…lol. I have also set up a group for ‘Dastardly Damsels and Friends’; you must be invited, as it is private. If you would like an invite…ask!
There will be more details to come as the anthology evolves.
*We already have some BIG names! *
Submissions are open from NOW, until September 15th. I will try to let you know as soon as possible if your story is being considered or not. A majority of authors will not hear anything further until acceptances are announced around the end of September; if a story dazzles me, maybe sooner.
Carson and I plan on having ‘Dastardly Damsels’ edited by Halloween, and then query letters will be sent out to Literary Agents and Publishers.
Once the TOC is revealed, the anthology will be promoted on Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, and whatever additional social media platforms authors haunt.
If you want a feel for my taste, read stories from ‘Killing It Softly’, volumes 1 and 2.
Yes, you may mention Covid. You can even write a story about it. I don’t want bombarded with Covid, though…because I think we’ve all had enough to last a lifetime!
Swear words are acceptable, and a good writer knows how often to use them.
We are looking for a WIDE range of ideas.
If you have any questions, please message us through the Dastardly Damsels FB group.
If you are a seasoned writer, I imagine you are aware of that which is frowned upon.
Anything dealing with a touchy subject matter needs to be handled tastefully; excessive violence, and outright abusive or derogatory language not used to move a story forward, will earn a rejection.
Outright rejections will be sent for excessive violence or gore used simply for shock value.
Other automatic rejections include but are not limited to: gratuitous sex, rape scenes or detailed descriptions of sexual torture. NO SEXUAL ABUSE INVOLVING CHILDREN OR ANIMALS!!!
Use common sense, please!
Other than that, we hope to hear from you soon! Cheers!