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Taking Submissions: The Vampiricon
September 20, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Deadline: October 31st, 2022
Payment: 1/2 cent per word for non-fiction, $10-$15 for poetry, $10-$15 for interior illustrations, $25 for cover illustration
Theme: Poetry, Illustration, and Non-Fiction related to vampires
SUBMISSIONS OPEN FROM September 1st through END OF DAY on Halloween (10/31/2022)
Must be directly relevant to the subject of THE VAMPIRE.
- Must contain at use of the word VAMPIRE in the text, OR be a work clearly on the topic of THE VAMPIRE, VAMPIRISM, etc., OR, if an illustration, must depict the VAMPIRE or have clear reference to THE VAMPIRE in some form.
- Short Fiction between 500 and 3000 words.
- Poetry between and including 14 to 200 lines (verse or free verse). NOTE: So-called “Prose Poetry” will be considered poetry, but the syllable count of the submission will be divided by 10 to compare to the number of iambic pentameter/10 syllable lines. Thus, a 2000 syllable prose poem will be the maximum length.
- Scholarly Articles, Essays, and Notes between 500 and 3000 words.
- Illustrations/Art can be line art, greyscale, or full color at 300 dpi. Except for the selected cover illustration(s), full color will be converted to greyscale for interior illustrations.
- BOTH NEW and PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED SUBS will be considered, provided the rights to the work are held by or have reverted to the submitter.
- $10.00 for accepted previously published work [IMPORTANT: The complete MLA citation for the place or places of previous publication will be required. ADD this information at the end of the scroll of the document presented, or, if illustration/art, submitted along with the illustration file as a separate, related text document.
- 1/2 cent per word for new, not-previously-published accepted prose (Short Fiction, Non-Fiction) with a minimum of $10.00. The submitter warrants and represents that the work is original and has never been published in any form.
- $10 for accepted new, not-previously-published poetry of 14 to 50 lines; One Dime/$.10 per line thereafter with a maximum of $15.00.
- $10-$15 for accepted new OR REPRINTED interior illustration. 300 dpi B&W line art or greyscale. Submitted Color Illustrations are OK but will be greyscaled if chosen for interior. $10 if selected to be used as quarter to half page. $15 if chosen for a full interior page.
- $25.00 for the Illustration/Art chosen and accepted for the full-color cover of the book. Must be never-previously-published work.
- All successful contributors will receive the full WYSIWYG of the book in PDF format.