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Taking Submissions: Biweekly Bite
August 15, 2017 - August 16, 2017
Deadline: August 15th, 2017.
Payment: $5 per submission, plus digital copy of issue to appear in.
Deadline: August 15th, 2017.
Payment: $5 per submission, plus digital copy of issue to appear in.
Due for publication: in October.
Word Count: 1,500-5,000
Reprints are allowed.
Response Time: If we don’t get back to you by the end of September, shoot us a quick email.
Payment: $5 per story paid via PayPal, plus a digital copy of the issue you will appear in. Payment will be distributed once we agree on the terms of using your story.
Please send separate submissions attatched to separate emails.
Guidelines for Submissions:
At this time the Horror Bites Magazine is open to all short, horror fiction. Note that there are some things that we don’t publish:
- Nonfiction (for now).
- Poetry.
- Anything to close to ‘the classics.’
- Violence that doesn’t contribute to the story.
- Gore for the sake of gore.
- Torture and rape.
- Erotic horror.
All submissions are to be sent to [email protected]
Please format your subject line as “Horror Bites Magazine: [Your Story Title Here].”
In the body of your email, please include your name (or pseudonym) and word count. If the story is under 2,000 words, please paste the text in the body of the email, otherwise please attach it as a .doc, .docx, etc. Just use your better judgement. Only .PDF is unacceptable.
Accepted stories will appear in the first three issues (October, November, and December) of the ‘Horror Bites Magazine,’ to appear on Amazon, iBooks, Gumroad, and anywhere else E-zines are sold. Once you have a story accepted for publication, we will ask for a 250-750 word author bio and head shot/logo for the author introduction section at the end of each issue. As this is a digital magazine, links to your own platform are allowed and encouraged.
Via: The Biweekly Bite
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!