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Taking Submissions: Augur Magazine
September 30, 2019
Deadline: September 30th, 2019
Payment: $0.06 cents (CAD) per word for short fiction (1000+ words), and a flat fee of $60.00 per flash fiction piece (Under 1000 words). $40.00 CAD per poem
(Although we always love surprises)
We’re looking for dream-touched realism, slipstream, fabulism, magical realism (note: educate yourself before you claim this term) and, for lack of a better descriptor, “literary” speculative fiction. Our perfect submission defies categorization—pieces that could be “too speculative” for CanLit magazines or “not speculative enough” for speculative magazines.
That said, we’re no strangers to rich realism, high fantasy, and science fiction, so if you think you match our tone, give us a try. We recommend checking out our preview issue, free online, or grabbing an issue, to see what we’ve published before.
Please don’t send us: gross-out or gratuitously violent pieces, horror that uses neurodivergence or mental health as the horror element, comedy that punches down, stories that are “speculative” because a non-marginalized group suddenly experiences what it’s like to be a marginalized group (e.g. a man “has to live with sexism”, a white woman is suddenly “treated like a woman of colour”), anything that minimizes sexual trauma/any trauma as a plot device (eg. A woman is assaulted in order to motivate a man, without dealing with her story or experience), casual or blatant misogyny/bigotry/racism/etc., or otherwise insensitive pieces.
We accept multiple submissions and simultaneous submissions. Our goal is to respond to all submissions within eight weeks.
If you submit and do not receive a verification email, please resubmit and send us an email letting us know what happened. Our submissions system should send you a verification email within 24 hours.
All text submissions must be formatted in standard manuscript format and submitted in .doc format. We strongly prefer pieces be set in in Size 12, Times New Roman or Times font.
Finally: If you fit into our guidelines, don’t self-reject! Submit, submit, submit!
If you are comfortable doing so, we encourage you to declare your intersectional identities in your cover letter, so we may be informed as we select pieces for our issues. That said, we acknowledge that the current socio-political landscape does not often reward the disclosure of marginalized standpoints, and so we by no means require this from our writers.
If you do choose to disclose, we will treat this information as confidential. And, if your piece is chosen, we will not out you in words you have not used about yourself publicly. We’re about representation, not presentation.
What does “intersectional” mean? Any intersection of identity that you sit at. For example, a POC trans settler or a disabled assault survivor. Common declarations might include: LGBTQ+, visible minority (broadly stated or specific), settler, disabled, assault survivor, women, immigrants, class standing, etc. We also encourage folks who aren’t marginalized to get into the practice of self-identifying, to normalize the practice across the board.
We do accept submissions from non-marginalized/ and non-Canadian writers. However, these submissions will never dominate our magazine, and our editorial preference will always skew towards intersectional/marginalized/diverse, Canadian and Indigenous/Native/First Nations creators.
Canadian granting bodies require us to keep track of who we’re publishing—we need to know that we’re hitting the required Canadian quotas. So, as a result, we ask folks to identify as from Canada/Turtle Island or as International. However, we recognize that this complicates the submissions process for folks who live within Canadian settler borders but who resist/refuse Canadian identity.
We welcome all of our Indigenous authors and creators to self-identify their citizenship however feels most comfortable and accurate. If you prefer, you are welcome to exempt yourself from the CND/TI and INT requirements—we just ask that you also let us know if you are situated within Canadian borders, so we can keep track of what the Canadian government will recognize as a part of our quota.
Hello, Augurian friends! We adore you and your work, and we can’t wait to read some more. However, because we have so few spots each year and are probably super predisposed to your work, here’s how we ask that you submit to us:
If you’ve been published by us once, please wait for the submission period after the issue you’ve been published in comes out. (aka. If you’re published in Issue 2.1, Don’t submit until the submission period after Issue 2.1 is published). Please note that you will not be published by us until a full year has elapsed from the issue you were published in (if you’re published in Issue 2.1, the next one you’ll be considered for is Issue 3.1).
If you’ve been published by us 2+ times, please wait until a year after the last issue you’ve been published in. Eg. If you’ve been published in Issue 1.2 and are slotted for Issue 2.2, please wait until the submission period after Issue 3.2 to submit again.
See you in the slush, friends!
Shorts & Flash
- Submit in standard manuscript format
- Submit as a .doc file
- Do not include your name anywhere in the document for anonymous reading
- Indicate whether you are [CAD/TI] for Canadian/Turtle Island citizen/resident/ex-patriot/etc.; [OTH] for an international student living here/longtime visitor/anything that doesn’t fit CAD/TI but attaches you to Canada/Turtle Island; or [INT] if you’re submitting without a relationship to Canada
- If you’re comfortable doing so, indicate any information about your intersectional identity that you would like to disclose
- Include any important or recent publishing history, or if you’re an emerging creator
- Disclose whether your submission is simultaneous
- Do not submit any story over 5, 000 words
- Do not submit more than two (2) stories for any given submission period, to a total of 4 pieces across genres
- We pay $0.06 cents (CAD) per word for short fiction (1000+ words), and a flat fee of $60.00 per flash fiction piece (Under 1000 words)
For bards & wordsmiths
- Submit as a .doc file (NOT .docx)
- Do not include your name anywhere in the document for anonymous reading
- Indicate whether you are [CAD/TI] for Canadian/Turtle Island citizen/resident/ex-patriot/etc.; [OTH] for an international student living here/longtime visitor/anything that doesn’t fit CAD/TI but attaches you to Canada/Turtle Island; or [INT] if you’re submitting without a relationship to Canada
- If you’re comfortable doing so, indicate any information about your intersectional identity that you would like to disclose
- Include any important or recent publishing history, or if you’re an emerging creator
- Do not submit poems longer than five (5) pages—we are partial to shorter poetry
- Do not submit more than five (5) poems (to a maximum ten pages of poetry) per submission period, and do not exceed four pieces should you be submitting across genre lines (ie. one short story, three poems)
- We pay $40.00 CAD per poem
Via: Augur Magazine.