Taking Submissions: Through The Worm Hole

Through The Worm Hole

Editors : Wayne Goodchild &Bill Tucker

We want your most gnarly, whacked-out and downright mondo science fiction stories. We want you to really cut loose and give us scenarios we’ve never seen before.

We don’t want to see any obvious staples like ‘people answer a distress call to find a spaceship drifting empty through space…or is it?!’ or ‘a new friendly alien race turn out to be evil’ or anything like that. Be fresh, be creative, be utterly mental.

We’re also not after bizarre – but you are encouraged to take your story as far as it can go before it actually becomes that genre (i.e. surreal, but still grounded in reality).

Other than that, the usual genres are welcome, and stories can be set anywhere or anywhen, provided it’s fundamentally science fiction.

Word limit: a very firm 4K – 7K words

Payment: 1 cent p/word + 1 contributor copy

NO reprints
NO multiple submissions

Simultaneous submissions are okay, but please do us the courtesy of letting us know if your story gets accepted elsewhere.


Put name/by-line, approx word count, postal address and email address at the top of the first page.

NO headers on any other pages, please.

Indent by 1 press of the TAB key to start a new paragraph.

NO fancy formatting. Sometimes people have their writing software set up so it adds extra space between lines and/or paragraphs. Please remove anything like this, as it’s really annoying. Thank you!

Other than this, usual Shunn manuscript rules apply.

Send submissions to [email protected]

Deadline is March 1st 2011

[via: Library Of The Living Dead]