Taking Submissions: Stories in the Ether, Volume 1
Stories in the Ether, Volume 1
Deadline: December 31st 2011
Payment: Royalties
Starting today we are accepting submissions of short stories (i.e. stories that can be read in one sitting, about 25,000 words or less) and flash fiction (i.e. stories that can be read over a cup of coffee, about 3,000 words or less) for inclusion into the Stories in the Ether blog series and anthology. The published anthology, titled “Stories In The Ether: Volume 1“, will be published in early 2012. Authors will be paid royalties and retain rights to their works as detailed in our Submission Guidelines.
Submissions of new short stories should be sent to [email protected]
Please review our Submission Guidelines before sending in your story!
No Submission Deadline.
Publication Deadline is December 31, 2011!
We will only be publishing one story per week – so get your submissions in early!
NOTE: There is no need to pitch your story prior to submitting it, please submit the entire story. Feel free to inquire with us at the email address above if you have any questions. Please note: there is no fixed deadline! We will be accepting stories on an ongoing basis and wrapping up the project near the end of the year. With that in mind, getting your submissions in early is a good idea to help get the editorial process rolling. Assuming your submission is accepted and makes it through our editorial funnel, your story will be published on the Nevermet Press blog first and later included in the Stories in the Ether anthology in early 2012. Finally, multiple submissions from the same author are perfectly acceptable.
[via: Nevermet Press.]