Taking Submissions: Mon Coeur Mort
Mon Coeur Mort
DEADLINE: May 31st 2011
PAYMENT: It looks like royalties, terms not specified
We are now open for new submissions through May 31, 2011.
We are looking for short story submissions for Mon Cœur Mort, an anthology of paranormal romance and/or horror fiction associated with a broken heart. Stories should be 7,000 words or less (please query with longer works).
It is our goal to break free of the current trend in paranormal romance by remembering that genre fiction is lurid and disturbing at its core.
Post Mortem Press markets through genre publications (HorrorHound, Rue Morgue, etc.) as well as social network and web portal sites.
Books will be available on Amazon.com, through the Post Mortem Press website, and available for purchase to retail booksellers and libraries throughout North America.
Post Mortem Press does NOT require that you make any purchases.
Marketing is collaborative between Author and PMPress and the each public sale generates royalties for the Author.
For more information contact: [email protected]
To submit your work for consideration: [email protected]
Sorry, no fan fiction.
All Submitted Fiction Should Be In The Following Format:
MSWord Document (No PDFs)
Include the story title and your by-line at the top of the first page.
Times New Roman (or similar, easy to read font), 12 pt, double spaced
1″ Margins Left Justified (Align Text Left) 1/4″ natural paragraph indents
One space after sentences rather than two
Please avoid UNDERLINE as much as possible – consider italics
No Headers, Footers, or hard coded Page Numbers
Contact Information should include:
Real/Legal Name – for publishing contract
Email address
Street address – for delivery of contributor copy/royalties
Please include a short (two to four sentences) personal biography to appear after your story in the anthology.
Sorry, no fan fiction.
[via: Post Mortem Press.]