Taking Submissions: Midnight Movie: Creature Feature
Midnight Movie: Creature Feature
DEADLINE: June 1st 2011
PAYMENT: 1 Contributor’s Copy
A new anthology is opened. We are accepting submission for a new anthology titled “Midnight Movie: Creature Feature”. You can use any type of monsters or details on this one but it has to Have a creature in it. Now’s your chance people. Zombies, Vampires, Sea monsters, Ghosts, just no ‘people’ so no Jasons or Michael Meyers etc. Deadline for this will be June 1, 2011 and will be released in October 2011.
The story must be between 3000 and 10000 words and should be emailed to [email protected] attached as a .doc (preferred) or .rtf with the title in the subject line. Please send in your submissions using 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced, justified. The title page should contain your contact info and word count.
What you get for the anthology: One contributor’s copy of the book and a discounted price for additional purchases.
The paperback copy of the book will be sent to you upon or shortly after the book’s official release date.
[via: May December Publications.]