Tagged: Free Fiction

Trembling With Fear 11-10-24

Greetings, children of the dark. I just can’t with the news this week. It’s dark out there, really dark, and I implore you to keep each other safe.

And if it helps, maybe distract yourself with a bit of dark speculative fiction?

This week we have some juicy goodness to take your mind off things for a bit. Our main course is a twist on some total old-school 80s-style horror from Christopher Bustamante – teens, you definitely don’t want to go into that water. That’s followed by the short, sharp (and somewhat weird, this week!) speculations of:

  • Raul Garcia’s difficult path,
  • Rebecca Krouse’s dangerous road,
  • FM Scott’s cursed plumbing.

Until next week, stay safe out there. Look after your loved ones, especially the ones who aren’t cishet white men.

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Josh Schlossberg’s ‘Where The Shadows Are Shown’!

“A Horror Short Story Collection by Josh Schlossberg

A hiker stumbles on a gruesome species undiscovered by science… An injury triggers an appalling new ability… A domestic pet holds a household in thrall… A human monster finally meets his match… Crimes against nature birth an abomination…

These and fifteen more tales make up WHERE THE SHADOWS ARE SHOWN, a short story collection by Josh Schlossberg (author of CHARWOOD and MALINAE), who guides you on a trek through the shadowy realms of biological and folk horror, supernatural and weird fiction.

So, lace up your boots, fill your water bottle, and put fresh batteries in the flashlight, because there’s not a chance in hell you’re getting back before dark.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Where The Shadows Are Shown today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

So, my current goals for Trembling With Fear? Work on getting our overdue yearly anthology to print and catch up on the submissions from our most recent open call! Also, as always, we’re getting low on drabble in case you’re interested in sending some in 🙂 

Now, for the standards:

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • Please, order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!
  • Be sure to follow us on both BlueSky and Threads!

Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Trembling With Fear 11-03-24

Greetings, children of the dark. The clocks have fallen back an hour here in the UK, which means it really is very, very dark as I sit here preparing this week’s edition on All Hallow’s Eve. I’ve been somewhat hiding from the neighbourhood children’s trick-or-treating (mainly because we have no candy in the house!) and listening to the constant BANG of fireworks. Over on this side of the pond, it’s not only the spooky season; we also have Guy Fawke’s Day coming up in a couple of days (remember, remember the 5th of November!) and it’s also Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, as we speak. Lots and lots of fireworks.

So it’s with that as my soundtrack, and a bunch of exhaustion lingering in the air around my much-used desk, that I bring you this week’s TWF dark menu. Our main course is from Derek Moreland, who delivers a twisted “unholy baptism” that’ll stay with you long after you close down the window. That’s followed by the short, sharp (and somewhat weird, this week!) speculations of:

  • JT Trigonis’s ghostly gaming,
  • Sean MacKendrick’s familial duties, and

Until next week, stay safe out there. Especially you, America. Do the right thing on Tuesday, yeah?

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Josh Schlossberg’s ‘Where The Shadows Are Shown’!

“A Horror Short Story Collection by Josh Schlossberg

A hiker stumbles on a gruesome species undiscovered by science… An injury triggers an appalling new ability… A domestic pet holds a household in thrall… A human monster finally meets his match… Crimes against nature birth an abomination…

These and fifteen more tales make up WHERE THE SHADOWS ARE SHOWN, a short story collection by Josh Schlossberg (author of CHARWOOD and MALINAE), who guides you on a trek through the shadowy realms of biological and folk horror, supernatural and weird fiction.

So, lace up your boots, fill your water bottle, and put fresh batteries in the flashlight, because there’s not a chance in hell you’re getting back before dark.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Where The Shadows Are Shown today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

Honestly, super hectic week so we didn’t get much in the way of site stuff worked on trying to make sure that the Halloween special was wrapped up in time.

Also, just a reminder that we’re starting to do more social posting for both BlueSky and Threads. So, if you’re over there and don’t follow us, now is the time! 😉

Now, for the standards:

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Trembling With Fear 10-27-24

Greetings, children of the dark. Some quick announcements for you before we dive head-first into this week’s offerings from TWF Towers. 

First up, our short story submissions window is officially closed, and has been since 15 October. Everyone who submitted should have heard from us by now to acknowledge receipt. Unfortunately if you submitted after the window closed, we’ll be returning your story unread and inviting you to resubmit when our next window opens – that’ll be first thing in the new year, giving you more time to polish those drafts for us.

Secondly, our Halloween edition is still on track to be published on the day itself – that’s this Thursday for those playing at home! – but we’re all hands on deck for that one as our lovely specials editor Lynn hasn’t been able to step into the role as soon as originally planned. We send her lots of love, and we’ll be sending you, dear submitter, your outcomes in the coming days. Remember to check in and read those spooky offerings on Thursday amidst all that loitering in dark neighbourhood corners!

Before then, of course, it’s time for your regular Sunday dark fiction roast. Our main course is from regular contributor DJ Tyrer, who we find in a museum inspecting an ancient stone that may or may not be of this world. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Christina Nordlander’s hidden horror,
  • JP Lor’s strange possession, and
  • Penny Brazier’s folkloric curiosity.

Until next week, enjoy this spookiest of seasons. Be safe, be well, and don’t touch the veil no matter how visible it gets.

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Josh Schlossberg’s ‘Where The Shadows Are Shown’!

“A Horror Short Story Collection by Josh Schlossberg

A hiker stumbles on a gruesome species undiscovered by science… An injury triggers an appalling new ability… A domestic pet holds a household in thrall… A human monster finally meets his match… Crimes against nature birth an abomination…

These and fifteen more tales make up WHERE THE SHADOWS ARE SHOWN, a short story collection by Josh Schlossberg (author of CHARWOOD and MALINAE), who guides you on a trek through the shadowy realms of biological and folk horror, supernatural and weird fiction.

So, lace up your boots, fill your water bottle, and put fresh batteries in the flashlight, because there’s not a chance in hell you’re getting back before dark.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Where The Shadows Are Shown today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

More work was done on Trembling With Fear on all sides, from the overdue anthology to reading submissions, and we’ve made some revisions to the hopefully future theme. It’s taking a lot more work than I expected but things ARE coming together! 

Also, just a reminder that we’re starting to do more social posting for both BlueSky and Threads. So, if you’re over there and don’t follow us, now is the time! 😉

Now, for the standards:

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Trembling With Fear 10-20-24

Greetings, children of the dark. I’ve spent much of this week recovering from the pure joy that was the UK’s Fantasycon last weekend – and from the dreaded con lurgy I picked up while there. As such, I haven’t quite processed the whole thing yet, and am still trying to work out how my humble self managed to have such a dazzling and busy conference. I met some great people and had some great chats and it was awesome to (briefly!) see TWF Towers’ own Vicky Brewster and Sarah Elliott IRL, too. One day soon I’ll get down my highlights on a digital page.

Despite the lurgy, I dragged myself into Covent Garden on Thursday night for a horror panel at Waterstones which, while suffering from a terrible turnout, was great fun. Plus, I got to say hi again to people met at Worldcon (hi, Nadia El-Fassi!) and Fantasycon (hi, Nicholas Pullen!), as well as the great M.R. Carey and V. Castro. Seriously, darkness fans, support your local book store events. It really helps the writers when they’re not facing an empty room!

That said, let’s support the writers for this week’s TWF menu. Our main course is from Matt Krizan, who’s tracking a battle between heaven and hell that requires human purity. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Penny Brazier’s harrowed haunt,
  • F.M. Scott’s foggy fumblings, and
  • Weird Wilkins’s satisfied hunger.

One final word: remember here at TWF we are seeking speculative fiction. A lot of our recent drabble submissions (and maybe our shorts, but we haven’t got that far yet!) have centred around real-world horror. And while they’re very good, they just don’t fit our speculative remit – there’s enough real-world horror around us, and we want to escape to space, a magical world, into some folklore or myth, or even to face a fantastical creature or two. We still want it dark, but add a little unreal element to it please. If you must submit a serial killer or revenge murder story, please at least make them vampires or something.

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Josh Schlossberg’s ‘Where The Shadows Are Shown’!

“A Horror Short Story Collection by Josh Schlossberg

A hiker stumbles on a gruesome species undiscovered by science… An injury triggers an appalling new ability… A domestic pet holds a household in thrall… A human monster finally meets his match… Crimes against nature birth an abomination…

These and fifteen more tales make up WHERE THE SHADOWS ARE SHOWN, a short story collection by Josh Schlossberg (author of CHARWOOD and MALINAE), who guides you on a trek through the shadowy realms of biological and folk horror, supernatural and weird fiction.

So, lace up your boots, fill your water bottle, and put fresh batteries in the flashlight, because there’s not a chance in hell you’re getting back before dark.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Where The Shadows Are Shown today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

Currently we’re knee deep into reading for our Halloween special of Trembling With Fear! I’ve got some great feedback on our new layout but have just been slammed with a few things in the real world so haven’t been able to incorporate them quite yet. I’m really hoping to get a push soon and make some real progress on the layout as we’ve been talking about it for far too long at this point.

Also, just a reminder that we’re starting to do more social posting for both BlueSky and Threads. So, if you’re over there and don’t follow us, now is the time! 😉

Now, for the standards:

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Trembling With Fear 10-13-24

Greetings, children of the dark. Short and sweet intro again this week as I’m presently, at the time of you reading this (if, indeed, you’re the one who waits for it to go live and pounces immediately), at the UK’s Fantasycon in the old Roman city of Chester. That means I’m writing this a good bit earlier than normal (yes, Stuart may well have a heart attack) and in something of a rush. 

So let’s get stuck straight into this week’s TWF menu, with a main course from Louis Inglis Hall and a bus journey that’s a bit out of the ordinary. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Meg Keane’s waking regret,
  • Christopher T. Mayne’s ruined rumination, and
  • Catherine Berry’s gardening tips.

And quickly, a final call for short story submissions! Our autumn/fall window opened on 1 October and will close tomorrow, Monday 14 October, so get in quick. I’ve acknowledged everything received up to Wednesday lunchtime UK time, and will get to the rest of you when I’ve returned from the con life. And yes, there are still a few stragglers from the last open window waiting to hear from us; you’re first in line and we’ll get to you ASAP!

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Josh Schlossberg’s ‘Where The Shadows Are Shown’!

“This Ultimate collection is a treasure trove containing revised and expanded editions of The Name of Fear and A Cleansing of the Blood, two all-new Anton novellas, and twelve original short stories. Follow Anton from the blood-stained sands of Rome to ancient battles with unstoppable beasts in the deepest depths of tenebrous jungles and into a dystopian future where even vampires fear to tread. Each story is a unique journey, offering a different perspective on Anton’s world.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Where The Shadows Are Shown today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

A lot of back-end stuff this week. We had a couple of older Ongoing Submissions that were reported as being closed markets to clean up and had a spammy e-mail problem that I believe is now resolved. Really, it was mostly administrative work and not much progress. Apologies for a boring update from my side! 

Also, just a reminder that we’re starting to do more social posting for both BlueSky and Threads. So, if you’re over there and don’t follow us, now is the time! 😉

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Trembling With Fear 10-06-24

Greetings, children of the dark. This time next week, a few residents of TWF Towers will be on their third day of Fantasycon here in the UK: myself and my other half Chris Hawton, plus our own TWF Assistant Editors Sarah Elliott and Vicky Brewster, will be found loitering around panels and hallways and bars in the general hotel area for much of the weekend, and we’d love to see you there! Check out the programme, and grab your tickets via the British Fantasy Society. Lots of dark-tinged goodness is on offer. 

I’ll admit – and have admitted a lot recently! – that I never thought of myself as a fantasy person. I was firmly in the horror zone, but would equally get annoyed when people would declare “Oh I can’t deal with horror”. They always meant slashers and gore (and it was often said while they sat reading crime novels), and I was sick of explaining that wasn’t my kinda horror. And then I got dragged to a Fantasycon, and saw so many horror people there, and so many talks and launches and all sorts, usually around my brand of horror: folk horror, occult, supernatural and paranormal, ghost stories and hauntings and vampires and all that great stuff. So I got more involved in that community, and came to fully embrace the spectrum that is speculative fiction. Not all of it is for me, just as not all of it will be for you. I’m less keen on the epic sword & sorcery stuff, on quest narratives, on LOTR pastiches. But hand me some grimdark, a haunted house, even a darkly romantastic fae series, and I’m all-in. 

And honestly, that’s what we mean when we say we’re looking for dark speculative fiction in these pages. It doesn’t mean we don’t want your serial killers and psycho humans; what it does mean is that the more you lean into the speculative, the more it’s going to hit the mark for us. Take something a little unreal, a little dark magic, a little something lurking in the background, and see what happens to your story. We’d love to read it.

Let’s get stuck into this week’s TWF menu – though vegans and animal lovers may want to skip the truly juicy and haunting main course from John Westrick and go straight to the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Charlotte Haley’s dog problems,
  • Noland Taylor’s fame hunger, and
  • Alan Moskowitz’s unintended consequences.

Finally, a quick reminder that we’re now in the midst of our October submissions window for short stories – yes, we’re looking for your flashiest flashes of up to 1500 words. This is our most oversubscribed section at TWF Towers, so please bear with us as we poor volunteers make our way through your fabulous work. It can take us a looooooong time, but we will get there. 

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Josh Schlossberg’s ‘Where The Shadows Are Shown’!

“This Ultimate collection is a treasure trove containing revised and expanded editions of The Name of Fear and A Cleansing of the Blood, two all-new Anton novellas, and twelve original short stories. Follow Anton from the blood-stained sands of Rome to ancient battles with unstoppable beasts in the deepest depths of tenebrous jungles and into a dystopian future where even vampires fear to tread. Each story is a unique journey, offering a different perspective on Anton’s world.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Where The Shadows Are Shown today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

Not much new to talk about. We’re still working on the new layout and next anthology. Had an interesting cover offer over the last couple of days that we’re exploring.Hopefully, we’ll have some larger progress soon on that front. 

Also, just a reminder that we’re starting to do more social posting for both BlueSky and Threads. So, if you’re over there and don’t follow us, now is the time! 😉 

  • For actual Horror Tree updates, I did push forward some progress in a couple of areas in the past week, both on the theme and our next anthology release. Not much to report on yet, but progress is being made!
  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Trembling With Fear 9-29-24

Greetings, children of the dark. As you read this, I’ll be on my way back from Bedford, not far outside of London town, where I was repping the British Fantasy Society at the Innsmouth Literary Festival. As I write this, though, it’s a couple of days away and I’ll admit I’m slightly nervous. The event is dedicated to weird fiction, especially in the Lovecraftian vein, and it’s a world I’m just not that familiar with. I’m hoping I can get the lowdown while I’m there, but I’ve always been a bit nervous given, y’know, the whole Lovecraft bit of it! I’m sure there’s a difference between diving into Cthulu’s waters, and diving into the life and loves of the writer himself – which, as we now know, are a bit suspect – but it’s always felt too BIG for me to truly get it. 

So here’s a challenge to you, dear reader: send us your weird tales! Show me what it’s all about! How weird can you go while maintaining a coherent narrative in just 100 words? That’s something to keep you going in these spooky, quickly-darkening nights.

Not much weirdery in this week’s darkly speculative menu, though there’s plenty to sink your teeth into. This week Tiffani Angus contemplates the true nature of milk. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Corinne Pollard’s medical issues,
  • Rory ffoulkes’s wildlife camera, and
  • DJ Tyrer’s icy expedition

Some quick reminders to finish up:

Did you meet and greet all the new residents of TWF Towers? In case you missed it, last week we announced our new Assistant Editors, one to oversee each section of submissions. Meet them over in this article, but please join me in welcoming:

  • Assistant Editor – Specials: Lynn Huggins-Cooper
  • Assistant Editor – Serials: Vicky Brewster
  • Assistant Editor – Unholy Trinities: Sarah Elliott

Remember we’re currently open to:

  • Submissions for our Halloween special
  • Serialised stories
  • Drabbles
  • Unholy trinities

But we won’t open to regular ol’ short story subs until 1 October, when our next 2-week window creaks open. Oh, hang on – that’s this week! Get ready, folks!

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Scott Harper’s ‘Anton The Undying: The Complete Collection’!

“This Ultimate collection is a treasure trove containing revised and expanded editions of The Name of Fear and A Cleansing of the Blood, two all-new Anton novellas, and twelve original short stories. Follow Anton from the blood-stained sands of Rome to ancient battles with unstoppable beasts in the deepest depths of tenebrous jungles and into a dystopian future where even vampires fear to tread. Each story is a unique journey, offering a different perspective on Anton’s world.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Anton The Undying: The Complete Collection today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

On a personal note, I typed “The End” on a draft for a novella and saw my short The Elysium Drift find its way into print in Yabblins 2 (which you can find on Amazon!) I’ve really slowed down in the writing department lately with everything going on, so these both felt like huge wins for me.

Onto Horror Tree! We’re still making progress on all ends of the spectrum. The re-design is chugging along, the next anthology is in the works, and soon, we’ll be doing more social posting for both BlueSky and Threads. So, overall, things are going nicely! Slow but steady wins the race. (I don’t know what race we’re in…)

  • For actual Horror Tree updates, I did push forward some progress in a couple of areas in the past week, both on the theme and our next anthology release. Not much to report on yet, but progress is being made!
  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Trembling With Fear 9-22-24

Greetings, children of the dark. At the risk of becoming a broken record, another plea from me this week: if you submitted to our last short story window, please know we will get back to you as soon as we can. It takes a long time to read through the submissions and collate our thoughts – we always make sure multiple people read them so we don’t introduce any bias – and we’re all volunteers so things can get stuck for a while, especially over summer. We do try to make sure we get back to you before the next open window, which is coming up quickly!

But also: remember we’re only open to short story submissions for two weeks every season. This is to help us manage the submissions, because we were getting such a backlog that people were waiting over a year to be published, which I’m sure you’ll agree is less than ideal. We don’t have infinite space or budget, alas, and so we can only take one short story every week. That means there’s only 52 spots each year, and we get more than that for each two-week open call. You’re all way too keen and talented! 

But now, it’s time to prep for this week’s darkly speculative menu. This week we head to a birthday party for a very particular mother, thanks to Dave Musson. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • James Callan’s rural drama,
  • Jonathon Worlde’s otherworldly issues, and
  • Troi-Jeantte’s trapped trauma

Some quick reminders to finish up:

Did you meet and greet all the new residents of TWF Towers? In case you missed it, last week we announced our new Assistant Editors, one to oversee each section of submissions. Meet them over in this article, but please join me in welcoming:

  • Assistant Editor – Specials: Lynn Huggins-Cooper
  • Assistant Editor – Serials: Vicky Brewster
  • Assistant Editor – Unholy Trinities: Sarah Elliott

Remember we’re currently open to:

  • Submissions for our Halloween special
  • Serialised stories
  • Drabbles
  • Unholy trinities

But we won’t open to regular ol’ short story subs until 1 October, when our next 2-week window creaks open. 

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Join me in thanking our upcoming site sponsor for the next month! Please check out Scott Harper’s ‘Anton The Undying: The Complete Collection’!

“This Ultimate collection is a treasure trove containing revised and expanded editions of The Name of Fear and A Cleansing of the Blood, two all-new Anton novellas, and twelve original short stories. Follow Anton from the blood-stained sands of Rome to ancient battles with unstoppable beasts in the deepest depths of tenebrous jungles and into a dystopian future where even vampires fear to tread. Each story is a unique journey, offering a different perspective on Anton’s world.”

Support our sponsor and pick up Anton The Undying: The Complete Collection today on Amazon!


Be sure to order a copy today!


Hi all!

Whew. Not much progress on the website this week. Lauren has been away for a trip and we’ll be working on both it and setting up the general layout for our next physical release of Trembling With Fear once she’s settled back in this week. So, hopefully we’re going from not much site news to a whole lot! 🙂 

  • For actual Horror Tree updates, I did push forward some progress in a couple of areas in the past week, both on the theme and our next anthology release. Not much to report on yet, but progress is being made!
  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree
