Taking Submissions: So Long and Thanks for All the Brains: A Zombie Anthology
DEADLINE: November 15th 2011
PAYMENT: Exposure
Mail submissions to: [email protected]
Please put the title of your story, your first and last name, and the word count in the subject line of your email.
“So Long and Thanks for All the Brains” is a Living Dead-themed anthology. All genres of horror will be considered. Dark, disturbing, suspenseful, supernatural, gruesome, and gory are welcome. Bring out your undead! Romero-style is always great, but send us anything you think people will want to read: intelligent zombies, running zombies, zombie animals, whatever. In fact, the more unique, the more likely your story will get the star treatment… Well, a least it will get into the book!
We will consider stories approximately 1000 words – 8000 words. We’re leaving such a wide open word range to encourage writers to write a story until it is finished without padding your submissions with irrelevant details or chopping out important information to stay below a word maximum. Keep the story as tight, exciting and action-packed as possible. In order to satisfy those who enjoy a “quickie” horror fix, we will be accepting a limited number of flash fiction (i.e. 500 words or less) stories.
There will be no payment for this anthology. The only compensation is exposure and the joy of being a published writer. While multiple submissions are allowed, please don’t send in simultaneous submissions or reprints.
DEADLINE: The deadline for this anthology is November 15th, 2011. Expected response time is under one month after the undeadline has passed. Please don’t query about the status of your submission until 30 days have passed. The projected release date will be January 2012.
So you’re ready to submit your story to Dead Avenue Press. We look forward to reading your work, but ask that you take a couple of minutes to familiarize yourself with our preferred submission format.
All Submitted Fiction Should Be In The Following Format:
· Send as an .rtf or .doc attachment
· Time New Roman or Courier 12 pt
· 1″ Margins
· Left Justified (Align Text Left)
· No Spaces Between Paragraphs
· 1/2″ Tabbed Indents
· 1 Space Between Sentences
· Double-spaced
· Section Breaks Marked With Centered ***
· Title half way down the first page, BYLINE/WRITING AS NAME below the title
· No Headers or Footers, No Page Numbers
· Use Italics instead of underline or _this_ or *this*
· Use “double quotation marks” instead of ‘single quotation marks’
· Include a short (2-4 sentence) biography, written in the third person, in your email.
Please place your contact information on the title page:
Name (and pseudonym, if applicable) Approximate Word Count
Please Include The Following With Every Submission:
· Brief Cover Letter. A short greeting, submission TITLE and WORD COUNT. You may include a list of publication credits or any other information you would like, but it is not necessary. Also, include CONTACT INFORMATION (Your REAL NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS, at the bare minimum)
· Subject Line — Please put ANTHOLOGY TITLE SUBMISSION: Title/Last Name/Word Count) [Example – So Long and Thanks for All the Brains: A Zombie Anthology/Jackson/6,000)].
Frequently Asked Questions about Dead Avenue Press Anthology Submissions
Who may submit?
· Any person age 19 and older may submit to Dead Avenue Press (19 is the legal age of majority in New York, where Dead Avenue Press is located); authors 16-18 may submit if they provide a letter of permission from their legal guardian.
Do you only accept stories written in third person?
· We MUCH PREFER stories written in the third person, though stories written in the first person may be considered. We are not looking for stories told through second person, unless you can really, reeeaaaaaallllly impress us.
What are your content standards?
· Graphic language/scenes are not discouraged as long as integral to the story. No gore, hard-core adult content, or anything that isn’t vital to the story. No needless cruelty to animals or children.
Do you accept Multiple Submissions?
· Yes. Unlike many anthologies out there, we are currently welcoming multiple submissions from authors, with a max of 2, please. However, understand that this does not guarantee that you will get 2 stories into the anthology.
Do you accept Simultaneous Submissions?
· No, we do not want simultaneous submissions. We try to send out rejections and/or short list notifications in a timely fashion. Please note the date of the deadline when you submit your story. As we do not make any final selections until the after the deadline has passed, it is possible we may hold on to your story for a long time. If you don’t want to wait for a response, please submit your story close to the deadline.
Do you accept Reprints?
· If you have rights to the story, you can submit it and it will be considered just like the rest.
Where do I send my electronic submission?
· [email protected]
Can I mail you my submission? I don’t have/like/want email.
· At this time we are only accepting electronic submissions. If you got to this website, you have to Internet, and if you have to Internet, you can set up an email address.
Do I get paid for my story?
· As this is our first anthology, the only payment will be exposure. If you have a zombie story that you want to see published in with a bunch of other kick-ass living dead fiction, and are in it for the glory of getting published (this time around), this is the anthology for you. After we see how sales go, future anthologies may be for contributors’ copies and/or pay.
Will you notify me that you received my submission?
· You will hear back about acceptances/rejections within 30 days of the DEADline (heh, heh, heh). If you don’t, contact us at [email protected]
[via: Library Of The Living Press.]