
Taking Submissions: It Calls From The Sea

Deadline: October 1st, 2020 Payment: Royalties Theme: Horror! - shipwrecks, your lost passengers and mysterious creatures. Tantalize me with gripping tales of horror and drown me in tears of sorrow as we discover what lies within the deepest crevasses of the ocean or in the innocent creek. It Calls From The Sea Submission Open: July 1, 2020 Submission Close: October 01, 2020 2:00 a.m. EST Publishing timeline: December 2020 Theme: Bring me your shipwrecks, your lost passengers and mysterious creatures. Tantalize me with gripping tales of horror and drown me in tears of sorrow as we discover what lies within the deepest crevasses of the ocean or in the innocent creek. ​ As with all our "It Calls From" Series this one is HORROR, so I want to be scared. Be it real or mythological creatures of lore that attacks, make our hearts race and our nightmares come alive. We also want it to be within our reality, so please keep your stories on our earth. If you are doing a future earth story, we would still like it within our relative timeline, so don't go too far into the future. ​ The ocean is deep, dark and vast. There are real dangers lurk not only below but above. Raging storms or unrelenting heat can create madness. ​ Storm drains and murky creek beds are also a great source of inspiration. ​ Word count: 1000 - 10000 (preferably over 2k under 8k but we will read all within these) ​ Compensation: Equal royalty split per story. Digital copy emailed to you. ​ Formatting guidelines: See our Submission Format guide below All fiction manuscripts should be in standard manuscript format. Most important: Pen name, title and email on top, double-spaced, 12 pt standard font (e.g. Times, Arial, Courier), and page numbers. ​ How to submit: CLICK THE VIA LINK BELOW AND USE...

Taking Submissions: The Cafe Irreal November 2020

Deadline: October 1st, 2020 Payment: One cent U.S. per word ($2 minimum) Theme: Fantastic Fiction You really NEED to read the description below. The Cafe Irreal is a quarterly webzine that presents a kind of fantastic fiction infrequently published in English. This fiction, which we would describe as irreal, resembles the work of writers such as Franz Kafka, Kobo Abe, Clarice Lispector and Jorge Luis Borges. As a type of fiction it rejects the tendency to portray people and places realistically and the need for a full resolution to the story; instead, it shows us a reality constantly being undermined. Therefore, we're interested in stories by writers who write about what they don't know, take us places we couldn't possibly go, and don't try to make us care about the characters. We would also suggest you take a look at the current issue, archives, and theory (especially the essay, "What is irrealism?") pages on this web site. We accept unsolicited fiction up to 2,000 words in length. Translations are welcome. There is no minimum length. We accept only electronic submissions via e-mail at [email protected]. We cannot, due to the various computer viruses and worms, accept attachments anymore, so please paste your story into the body of the e-mail. Also include your name, address, e-mail address, and a short bio in the text of the submission; please put the word "submission" in the subject heading of the e-mail to ensure that your submission doesn't get lost among all the spam. We pay an honorarium of one cent U.S. per word ($2 minimum) to buy first-time internet rights (the story will then be archived). Payment is made upon publication. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DON'T ACCEPT SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS and are only interested in reprints in unusual cases (e.g., the story has appeared in print but...

Taking Submissions: Shadows Over Avalon

Deadline: October 1st, 2020 Payment: 5% of the gross profit will be paid for each accepted story. These payments will be issued to you at quarterly intervals. Stories under 1,500 words will only receive 4% of the gross profit. Theme: Cthulhu Mythos stories set in the Arthurian world. Note: Reprints welcome “They were the pointed Saxon minuscules of the eighth or ninth century A.D., and brought with them memories of an uncouth time when under a fresh Christian veneer ancient faiths and ancient rites stirred stealthily, and the pale moon of Britain looked sometimes on strange deeds in the Roman ruins of Caerleon and Hexham, and by the towers along Hadrian’s crumbling wall.” —H.P. Lovecraft’s The Case of Charles Dexter Ward   The stars are right over Camelot. Despite Merlin’s arts, and the goodness of the land, the stars are right. Dread things rise up from the sea, worse than any Saxon. The ground grows cursed with strange colors. Strange cults proliferate through Logres. Shadows rise over Avalon. WHAT WE WANT Cthulhu Mythos stories set in the Arthurian world. THE ARTHURIAN “Arthur’s Kingdom, the Realm of Logres, the model of chivalry and right striving against the barbarism and evil which surrounded it and, at length, engulfed it” (Roger Lancelyn Green). We do, of course, want stories about the primary characters of the Arthurian world: Arthur, Merlin, Morgan, and the others. But we’re also interested in stories focusing on the less well-known personalities. In particular, we’d love stories about Bleys, Bors, Bertilak the Green Knight, Galahad, Kay, Palamedes, and Percival. When and where is the Arthurian world? Logres and its capitol, Camelot, are centered somewhere either in Wales or southern Britain—and extend up toward what we would today recognize as Scotland. It is somewhere roughly between 400-600 A.D. The cultural and technological level can...

Taking Submissions: A Vindication Of Monsters

Deadline: October 1st, 2020 Payment: $50 Theme: Essays on Mary Shelley’s work I’m inviting 9 authors to contribute 5,000 (max) word essays on Mary Shelley’s work (not limited to Frankenstein), and her life. This can also include others in her life, for example her mother Mary Wollstonecraft, or her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley, and how they influenced her work. I am also looking for internal artwork related to the theme (I’m hoping for 5 pieces to accompany the chapters). Payment will be $50 per essay and per artwork, respectively. This will be a book similar to ‘The Body Horror Book’, in that I will compile and edit each chapter. Submissions are open, and close October 1st; the book will be published in December. Contributors will receive an ebook and paperback copy. William Shunn manuscript format preferred. Please send any inquiries and submissions to [email protected] Good luck!

Taking Submissions: Underland Arcana

Deadline: October 1st, 2020 Payment: $0.01 / word and potential royalties Theme: Short fiction that veers into the numinous, the esoteric, the supernatural, and the weird UNDERLAND ARCANA is published four times a year, and is looking for previously unpublished short fiction that veers into the numinous, the esoteric, the supernatural, and the weird. We like these stories to be mildly speculative, fantastic, mysterious, and/or horrific (if you prefer genre tags). We’re not terribly keen on stories that splash through gore, but we don’t mind the grotesque. We prefer character-driven pieces, but will pause and admire works that are exceptionally experimental in tone, style, and presentation. We are actively interested in submissions from writers of underrepresented communities, including, but in no way limited to, writers of any gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, nationality, class, and physical or mental ability. We believe in the rich potential and diversity of humanity, and seek to have that belief reflected in the stories published in the ARCANA. In more concrete terms: stories should be under 5k in length, but special consideration will be given to longer pieces should the writing demand such attention. Please query before sending anything novella length. Submissions should be in .doc or .rtf formation. Stories must be compatible to both an online presentation and a print publication. Please submit your stories to [email protected], along with a brief cover letter that hits the highlights of your recent publishing adventures. READING PERIOD:  In parallel with our publication schedule, we will only be considering submissions during one of our open reading periods. The current reading period closes on October 1st, 2020. The next reading period is scheduled to open early in 2021. PAYMENT: Underland Arcana is paying $0.01 / word—up to 5,000 words—for publication on the website. Additional publication in other formats (ebook and collected print editions, for...

Taking Submissions: Kentucky Fried Horror

Deadline: October 1st, 2020 Payment: $25 and a contributor's copy Theme: Horror which takes place in Kentucky   NEW ANTHOLOGY FROM NIGHTMARE PRESS: KENTUCKY FRIED HORROR!!! Nightmare Press is now taking short story submissions for KENTUCKY FRIED HORROR. The theme is simple: short horror stories that take place in Kentucky, and you'll get bonus points if it reflects Kentucky culture. Anybody can submit - you don't have to be from the Bluegrass State to participate. Here are the details: What we want: Horror shorts that take place in Kentucky, 1000-5000 words, send it in a word doc or docx file attached to the email. Do not paste it in the body of the email. In the subject line, write KENTUCKY FRIED HORROR <title> <your name>. No more than one submission per person. Reprints are fine as long as you own the publishing rights to the story. What you get: $25 if accepted, a contributor's copy of the book, the opportunity to purchase copies at cost (including shipping and taxes). When and where: You have time for this one. The deadline is October 1st. Email your submissions to [email protected]. Two other points: We will not ask for exclusivity for more than 30 days after publication. Also, if your story is a reprint and has previously been edited elsewhere, we reserve the right to edit the story again. We know some authors have issue with reprints being re-edited because they want the story to remain the same across all publications, so if that is a problem, do not submit your reprint. If you are okay with Nightmare Press re-editing the story, then by all means, please submit it. We look forward to seeing how frightening you all can make Kentucky.

Taking Submissions: Swept Under the Fur Rug

Deadline: October 1st, 2020 Payment: $10 Theme: This erotic horror anthology challenges you to come with a creepy but sexual narrative of furry characters transforming into objects. Swept Under the Fur Rug Deadline: October 1, 2020 Editor: Thurston Howl Word count: 2,500-8,000; a little above and a little below will be acceptable Furries and transformation narratives go hand in hand. Look at Bill Kieffer’s The Goat or Ajax Coriander’s Altered States for samples. But what is seldom written about are furry characters transforming into objects. This erotic horror anthology challenges you to come with a creepy but sexual narrative of furry characters transforming into objects. We want to see characters turned into fur rugs where the ex screws their new partner on top of them, toppy wolves who are too aggressive turned into living adult toys for their partner’s pleasure at choosing the pace, and homophobic furs who refuse to touch their partner’s dick turned into a chastity cage. The possibilities are endless! TIP FROM THE EDITOR: When I’m selecting the stories, the first thing I’ll do is weed out pieces that don’t match the brief. So make sure what you’ve written is 1. horrific, 2. erotic, 3. furry, and 4. involving a transformation from a furry to an object. Then I’ll select from there. So make sure you have all the required elements before submitting. Or might be swept under the rug yourself. We will NOT accept: Racism, sexism, or discrimination presented in a positive light. Pedophilia or sex with characters under the age of 18 presented in a positive light. Rape, torture, dubious consent, forced seduction presented in a positive light. Snuff or Necrophilia presented in a positive light If you are in doubt, ASK. Better to ask then to get a straight up rejection! If you are unsure, just shoot...

Taking Submissions: Cosmic Roots And Eldritch Shores – EARLY

Deadline: October 2nd, 2020 Payment: 6 cents per word for original, 2 cents for reprints Theme: Well written original work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and/or graphic story form, and from around the world. Note: Reprints welcome     Submissions Schedule We have a new submissions schedule as of June 1, 2020: The first and second day of every month, 12 am of the 1st to 12 am of the 3rd, E.S.T. Only one submission per person. For reading impaired individuals, our submissions manager and ‘forget password’ have a captcha compatible with screen readers. We pay 6¢ per word for new fiction, 2¢ per word for fiction reprints, 2 – 6¢ per word for new fact-based work, 1- 4¢ per word for reprinted fact articles. For new poetry, we pay $1 a line, reprints would be 50¢ a line, up to 40 lines. We’ll look at longer poems but that would be a hard sell, and words over 40 lines would be paid at 6¢ per word. We began The Kepler Award to recognize and encourage writers of excellent science fiction and fantasy stories that creatively extrapolate on known science in constructive and exciting ways. You can learn about The Kepler Award here. You can read a copy of our standard contract here.   It can be varied as needed to include the rights of translators, voice actors, etc. Writers Guidelines We accept new work as well as reprints, prose and poetry, anywhere from 1000 word flash fiction on up, but all else being equal, shorter pieces will be favored.   We have tough standards but only care about the quality of the writing, storytelling ability, characters, plot, and ideas, not whether you’re new or established.  Submit only work you are proud of —...

Taking Submissions: Pirates of the Empyrean

Deadline: October 5th, 2020 Payment: $10USD Theme: Science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, or steampunk stories featuring pirates. Zombie Pirate Publishing is seeking short stories 2,000-7,000 words long for PIRATES OF THE EMPYREAN. Science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, or steampunk stories featuring pirates. Send us your tales of swashbuckling adventure set against space, sky, or sea. Submissions close 5th Oct 2020. Successful submissions will recieve $10USD, an ebook copy, and access to heavily discounted paperback copies. Send your stories to [email protected] No simultaneous submissions or reprints. SUBMIT YOUR STORY Submitting to Zombie Pirate Publishing is easy. Simply email your manuscript to [email protected] following the submission guidelines at the bottom of this page. We DO NOT accept reprints or simultaneous submissions. Your email should have your name, the story title, the word count, and the anthology you are submitting towards in the header and the body of the email. The attached word document should be labeled with this information as well. For example: 'Daddy-Adam Bennett-Full Metal Horror 2-6500 words.doc' Your submission should have a Word document attached to your email. Do not paste the story into the body of your email. Most programs including Google Docs will allow you to save your finalised work as a word document before submission. If you are unsure exactly what to do to set up your file correctly, download this document before you start writing. It is set up to be ready to go ASAP. Simply highlight the title, or author name or body of the document to replace with your own text. Google Docs version is available here for those without Word. Simply copy the document and change the name, and then click the 'download as' option in the file menu, and select word doc. This will save as a word document which you can then attach to your email.    ...

Taking Submissions: Fantasy Magazine (Early Listing)

Deadline: October 7th, 2020 Payment: 8 cents per word Theme: Original fantasy and dark fantasy stories. All types of fantasy and dark fantasy are welcome. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES Submission Periods: Fantasy is open to submissions the first week of every month (1st-7th). Please do not query about submitting outside our open submission periods. Anonymous Submissions: Fantasy only accepts anonymous submissions. Do not include your name, address, phone number, or other similar identifiers on the manuscript. All original short fiction, flash fiction, and poetry submissions will be read anonymously on first read: moving out of slush depends on the merits of the story alone. Please make sure the title is on the manuscript. Simultaneous and Multiple Submissions: We do not accept simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions. Please do not submit more than one set of poems at a time, more than one piece of flash fiction at a time, or more than one story at a time. You may, however, submit a single entry in each category at the same time: you can submit one batch of poems, one flash fiction piece, and one short story all at the same (or overlapping) time, and each category will be considered a separate submission. If we are already considering work in any given category, please wait until you have received an acceptance or rejection before submitting again in that same category. Instructions: All fiction must be submitted through our Moksha online submission system. Please do not email your submissions. If one of the Submission Type options is grayed out, that means we are currently closed to that Submission Type. Questions/Problems: Email [email protected] for all submission-related inquiries, or if you have any trouble using our online submission system. Please do not email your submissions to this address. All submissions must be submitted via our Moksha online submission system. Rejections/Response Times: Be aware that we expect to receive several hundred submissions during...