Deadline: September 27th, 2014
Paymnet: 3-5% through Paypal on the profit for each issue sold* for 2 years
Rules for the competition:
Story must:
Be original work only (no fanfiction or plagiarism)
Be previously unpublished
Be 9000 words or less
Have no images within the documents
Have no erotic content
Must be either Zombie, Post-Apocalypse, or both
Each person will be able to submit two stories. This does mean that each person could have two stories published with this contest.
Story Evaluation Topics:
Overall quality of storytelling
Originality of concept
Character development
Quality of the world
Accessibility/Ease of reading
Your work published in the applicable anthology
A spot in the, soon-to-be-launched, Author’s Spotlight page
Free promotion and marketing to our extended network
Free copy of the anthology sent to your device
3-5% through Paypal on the profit for each issue sold* for 2 years
*Exact percentage depends on how many winners are selected per anthology.
To submit head over to their submission page.
Via: Witty Bard Publishing.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!