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Taking Submissions: Zippered Flesh 2: More Tales of Body Enhancements Gone Bad
November 1, 2012
Deadline: November 1st 2012
Payment: $15.00, plus a contributor’s copy
I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be the editor of the anthology, ZIPPERED FLESH 2: More Tales of Body Enhancements Gone Bad, now open for submissions until Nov.1, 2012 (or until full). Publication is tentatively scheduled for early 2013. The book will be published by Smart Rhino Publications. Distribution will be through Amazon, the Smart Rhino Web site (smartrhino.com), and other outlets. The book will also be available for Kindle. Copies will be made available to reviewers as well.
What I’m Looking For:
ZIPPERED FLESH 2: More Tales of Body Enhancements Gone Bad seeks dark or supernatural stories in which body enhancements play pivotal roles in the plots. Don’t just toss a body enhancement into the story; the enhancement must be a critical element in the plot. Stories do not necessarily have to be straight horror (chilling stories are preferred, however), but they must have a supernatural or speculative element that fits the theme of the anthology.
My definition of “body enhancement” is broad—not just the body art and body piercings that immediately come to mind. Anything that enhances the body is fair game: artificial limbs, bionic eyes, cochlear implants, pacemakers, dentures, breast implants, you name it. Even futuristic body enhancements can provide a story line. Please read the first ZIPPERED FLESH anthology to see which body enhancements have already been covered. I’m not likely to accept another story about tattoos, hair transplants, hearing aids, or any of the other topics tackled in the first book. Stretch your imaginations, folks. Surprise me! The more unusual and creepy, the better.
What I’m NOT Looking For:
While this is an R-rated anthology, please no stories involving graphic rape, child molestation, or animal torture. No gratuitous sex—if you include sexual content, make sure it is germane to the plot of your story. Also, if your story has more four-letter words than a typical episode of The Sopranos, I’m likely to reject it. Use profanity strategically and sparingly.
The Submission Process:
ZIPPERED FLESH 2 is looking for short fiction only (no poetry), 2,500-7,500 words. The preferred maximum length is 5,000 words, with shorter works preferred. But I’m truly looking for superb content; if a story is 8,000 words and blows my socks off, I won’t quibble over the length. Original, never-published stories are preferred, but reprints will be considered if they truly meet the theme requirements and a citation for the previous publication is provided.
Manuscripts must be submitted by e-mail attachment in either Word .doc or .rtf format. Submissions pasted into the body of an e-mail message will be rejected. The manuscript must be double-spaced, 12-point type (preferably Garamond). Please include your contact information (name, address, e-mail, and telephone number) on the first page of the manuscript. The editor cannot be responsible for submissions lost in transit. Manuscripts must be submitted to the e-mail below:
You can also e-mail me at [email protected] if you have any questions concerning the anthology.
Payment and Rights:
Payment will be a flat $15.00, plus a contributor’s copy delivered soon after publication. I plan to publish a bio for each author, to accompany his/her story, and will be happy to plug other work by the author and include links to Web sites. If I select your story, I will provide a standard anthology contract, purchasing First English Anthology Rights (unless the story is a reprint).
You can include your bio as a separate attached file when you submit your story, or, if I accept your story, return your bio with the signed contract at that time. Payment will not be issued until after the completed contract has been received. You will receive a contributor’s copy of the anthology upon its release, tentatively in early 2013.
Also, keep in mind that I will actively market you here on the Smart Rhino web site. If you keep me up-to-date on your work, I’ll gladly mention new releases and other events with your online bio.
[via: Smart Rhino.]