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Taking Submissions: With Painted Words: Reflection
April 25, 2020
Deadline: April 25th, 2018
Payment: $3
Theme: A 1-1000 word story about Reflection
The photo for inspiration can be found right here.
Please make sure to read ALL the instructions on this page (especially the sections on ‘Copyright’ and ‘Compensation’ before submitting a piece of writing or artwork.
We take a submission to With Painted Words as your permission for us to publish your work and do not send out other formal contracts.
Thank you.
Piece of Writing
We accept works of fiction – and poetry – of up to one thousand (1000) words, at most, in length. This is the maximum amount – if you can tell a compelling story in as little as fifty words, for example, then you are more than welcome to do so.
All submissions must be inspired by the current section
Key to fiction types:
Flash Fiction 501-1000 words
Micro Fiction up to 501 words
Please make sure to include your full name/s, e-mail address, and bio (including a link to your personal site/blog) with your submission and, if you so choose, the thought process behind your story.
Please send your submissions by the deadline stated in the current section . Pieces received after the deadline cannot be considered for publication.
‘With Painted Words’ reserve the right to reject any submission without explanation.
Deadline:- This will usually be the 25th of the month, each and every month – any exceptions will be clearly notified.
Piece of Artwork
‘With Painted Words’ is always open to artwork submissions – they are the heart and soul of the site and inspire the stories! We prefer .jpeg files for artwork submissions. Please don’t upload files larger than 1mb – if your image is larger than this then use the email submission method instead.
Please make sure to include your full name/s, e-mail address, and bio (including a link to your personal site/blog) with your submission and, if you so choose, the thought process behind your artwork.
There is no deadline for artwork but if submitting a seasonal/themed piece of art please allow up to 60 days advance notice.
‘With Painted Words’ reserve the right to reject any submission without explanation.
The author maintains complete rights to their work.
‘With Painted Words’ requests Exclusive World Electronic rights for 90 days and non-exclusive anthology and archival rights. At this time we do not require any rights to your immortal soul but that is always subject to change.
All stories and artwork ‘With Painted Words’ publish will be archived on the site – authors/artists may, of course, link to their stories/artwork.
We believe in the importance of being compensated for your work, even if it’s only a token amount. At this time, we are able to offer three dollars ($3) for each published story/artwork, to be paid via PayPal. This will take place one calendar month after publication.
However if you are so inclined you can waive/donate this compensation back to ‘With Painted Words’ to help us pay for the running costs – ‘With Painted Words’ is a labor of love and all resources are ‘home grown’ so your donation would be truly appreciated.
If you are donating your compensation back to With Painted Words please choose the ‘no’ option for User Compensation when submitting (and thank you!!!)
Occasionally compensation may also take the form of a special, limited edition (there will be only 2, at most!) print of the artwork that inspired the story – this will be notified in advance (the artist also gets a copy).
Queries & Email submissions
For any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]
If querying a submitted piece of writing please allow up to 30 days from the date that you submitted the piece
If you are unable to use the online submission section please feel free to email your artwork/writing to the following address: [email protected]
Please make sure to include your full name and e-mail address at the top of the email.
In the subject area please use the following format:
Submission – Title – Full Name
Paste your work into the body of an e-mail (emails with attachments will not be accepted at this time). Do not worry about prescribed formatting as all pieces will be reformatted prior to publication.
Ready to submit
Please use the following links to submit either a piece of writing or a piece of artwork – the relevant pages may take a few seconds to load so please be patient.
Submit a piece of writing Submit a piece of art
Via: With Painted Words.