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Taking Submissions: Untitled Splatterpunk Anthology
August 13, 2015
Deadline: August 13, 2015
Payment: an advance upon their acceptance on a sliding scale based on length of their contribution, 1 digital and 1 printed copy of the anthology
Note: Reprints Allowed
Hello, I’m Fox Emm. I currently write for Wicked Horror, Gores Truly, and Zombie Apocalypse Defense Force. I’m trying to create a splatterpunk anthology and am currently seeking horror short story submissions. If you’d like to come aboard, please keep reading!
It’s true, the splatterpunk horror anthology I have wanted to get off the ground for over six months is finally in the gurgling stages of infancy, and that is where you come in! I’m looking for 20+ talented writers (and possibly poets..? Is splatterpunk poetry a thing? If not, can we make it a thing..?) to contribute to a horror anthology with a theme based around the word “home”. There are of course, a variety of interpretations to the word home within the horror genre. From aliens seeking a new home planet, zombies driving a young family from their home, home invasion by escaped convicts or some other creation you devise… The topic is no more limiting than your own imagination, so I hope to get a variety of interesting and action-filled submissions!
For those who aren’t familiar with the term splatterpunk but who love horror, the basic definition would be a horror story with graphic and or gory depictions of violence and which stretches boundaries. For more details on the subject, I would suggest you check out the Wikipedia entry on splatterpunk as well as this thoughtful article by my colleague at Wicked Horror, Nat Brehmer, on Why Splatterpunk Should Make a Comeback. If you’ve ever written a horror story that has been rejected for being too “out there” or had someone read over your work and respond with “this is disgusting” – this may be the submission opportunity you’ve been waiting for!
The target audience for this project will be horror fans of varying ages who appreciate blood and gore as it can be utilized as a plot device or storytelling implement. I’m looking for stories that push the envelope, yes, but I’m also looking for good STORYTELLING. Sure, the argument could be made that we’re basically writing B-movies due to the content, but I want a B-movie with a pulse. As far as length, I’m looking for submissions which are roughly between 1,000-3,500 words per piece. (Going over that amount is acceptable, but if you anticipate the length being greatly over the 3,500 word count, please let me know prior to the story’s completion.)
This book will be a labor of love on my part. I’m responsible for all recruitment/submissions collection, weeding through said submissions, editing/locating additional editors, locating beta readers, formatting for print and electronic publishing, securing artwork for the cover and any interior artwork, promotion, and all of the other miscellaneous jobs that come along with self-publishing an anthology. I don’t have an official contract drawn up yet for myself and authors, but I am in the process of acquiring those documents. Each author whose work is published in the anthology will receive an advance upon their acceptance on a sliding scale based on length of their contribution, 1 digital and 1 printed copy of the anthology upon its completion and publication at no cost to them and profits from sales (assuming the book can be launched on Amazon/other locations) will be split 50/50 between the editing team and the writers/artists whose work is featured within the book. Ideally story will need to be one which has not been published elsewhere (even online/on your personal site), and which is not currently being submitted elsewhere. HOWEVER, if the story you would like to submit has been published in another compilation but rights have been reverted back to you, your work will be considered. The author will not surrender rights to the story, but will grant me/the publisher rights to publish the story as part of a compilation and use the story for marketing/promotional purposes of the anthology. (An official contract is in the process of being drawn up and will need to be returned with a signature prior to any advances/royalties being paid, but these are the basic details.)
If this sounds agreeable, or disagreeable but you’re willing to tell me why, then I want to hear from you! If you have questions, please let me know.
Submissions for this horror anthology (yet to be named) will be accepted until August 13, 2015. Authors will be notified if they have been selected for inclusion within 14 days of their submission, but should get a confirmation email stating their entry has been received within 72 hours of it being sent.
Please submit your work! Share this post with friends, family, and colleagues who you believe might be interested. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, would like to volunteer your editing/proofreading/beta reading services, or would like to help sponsor this project to provide better advances for contributing authors/editors – please contact me!
Get involved by emailing me at the above address (in a graphic to discourage spam bots) with the following information:
1. Name
2. Publication history, if any
3. A: Writing samples of your fiction work if you have not yet written the piece you would like to submit for this anthology (bonus points if the sample is horror) or B: Your Submission — These should be in .rtf .doc or .docx format.
4. Whether or not your submission has been published elsewhere. If so, please indicate where and when.
5. Any questions/comments you may have.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Via: Blogging Onward.