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Taking Submissions: Those Who Live Long Forgotten II
June 15, 2015
Deadline: June 15th, 2015
Payment: 5% of the net profit will be paid for each accepted story. These payments will be issued to you at quarterly intervals. Stories under 3,000 words will only receive 4% of the net profit.
Myths never die. King Arthur cannot be killed with a pike through the chest, or centuries of lies; instead he lays dreaming but not dead in wait for England’s fatal hour. The Ice Queen, in all her frozen fractal forms, does not waste away under summer suns. The Green Man, though a being of leaf and twig and human eyes, cannot be killed with so simple a stroke as leveling his forests and building cities on the cinders (even now, he watches us from his statues and reliefs embedded deep in our buildings).
These beliefs predate written language. Something other than the ability to record them has kept these stories alive. Myths never die, but surely they don’t actually live, do they…?
18thWall Productions wants myths alive with life. We want heroes and monsters out of time, legendary characters in unfamiliar settings. We want mash-ups of magic and history, legends that live literally as well was figuratively. We want sirens on the Caribbean shores calling to men of ill-repute for yet another night of sin, we want to doings of the Pickwick Club extended into our dreary age, we want the Strigoi at the Petrograd Soviet…Let your imagination run riot. We want your myths and monsters to feel real, with voices feelings, and rich back-stories interwoven with the familiar tales. Why are they there? Where have they been all this time?
We’re open to any style of fiction you care to give us. And please be aware that our guidelines are deliberately vague. As with our previous anthology, this is a free playground. Indulge yourselves.
You may use characters featured in the previous volume of Those Who Live Long Forgotten (Carmilla, Prometheus, Snow White, Bloody Mary, Sherlock Holmes, Scylla, Charybdis, Shaytan, and Arabian ghouls), but keep in mind that our previous authors set the bar monumentally high. Beware, to use these characters forces comparisons with some of the most talented writers in the field. If you’re willing to take this chance, however, you’re most welcome to submit stories working in the same rich veins of gold.
Anthology curated by: Ro McNulty
Payment: 5% of the net profit will be paid for each accepted story. These payments will be issued to you at quarterly intervals. Stories under 3,000 words will only receive 4% of the net profit.
Rights: First World Digital and Print.
Deadline: June 15th, 2015
Word Count: 2,500-10,000
How to Submit your Story:
- All stories should be sent, as an attachment, to [email protected].
- The file must be formatted in .doc or .docx.
- The interior of the document must be in double spaced Times New Roman (12 point font).
- At the top of your document, please include William Shunn’s submission header.
- Tell us a bit about yourself in the body of your email. Don’t stress this, it won’t make or break your submission.
- Place the anthology title, your name, and story title in the subject line of your email. For example, “Those Who Live Long Forgotten / William Hope Hodgson / The Hog.”
via:18th Wall.