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Taking Submissions: Tales of Sley House, 2022 (Early Listing for College Students)
July 15, 2022
Deadline: July 15th, 2022
Payment: $25 and a contributor’s copy
Theme: Short stories heavily grounded in science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, or thriller, or some blend of genres.
As a publisher in the best of genre fiction, we are looking for novels that blend genres and styles to deliver stories as surprising and shocking as they are relevant.
WHAT WE WANT — Novels and short stories heavily grounded in science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, or thriller, or some blend of genres. Novels and short stories that speak to pulp and/or literary conventions. Well-written stories, strong characters, interesting voices.
WHAT WE DON’T WANT — Novels or short stories that promote hate speech, first drafts, stories and novels submitted outside our submissions window or fan fiction. (Any submissions submitted outside our window will be deleted unread).
SHORT STORIES — for our annual anthology, Tales of Sley House, 2022 — Open 7/1/2022 – 7/15/2022 for college students only. Graduate or undergraduate, you must send in your submission from your school email address to be considered. Beginning 7/16/2022, we will open submissions for everyone (students and non students) and go until we fill the anthology. We are looking for well-written genre fiction, around 6,000 words. Please attach your short story as a word document (.doc or docx). DO NOT share in a google drive.
In the subject line, write “SUBMISSION — story genre + Story title — word count”. In the body of your email, tell us a little about yourself and a little about the story. If you’ve been published elsewhere, tell us about that also. We will pay $25 via PayPal upon contract signing + 1 eBook copy & 1 print copy. We also offer a discount on any future print copies.
Via: Sley House Publishing.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!