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Taking Submissions: Storyworlds Magazine Issue 1

August 31, 2012

Deadline: August 31, 2012
Payment: Unknown

Editor’s Alert: Storyworlds Magazine currently seeks submissions for the first three issues of the magazine. Please get your submissions in well before August 31, 2012 to be considered for our debut issues. Thanks!

Storyworlds Magazine Submission Guidelines: Fiction
Here are the Storyworlds Magazine submission guidelines for fiction:
Fiction that…

  • Is 3,000 to 5,000 words.
  • Is set in a storyworld created by the author (and is creator-owned) that is established in publicly available works by the author or others.
  • Has balanced attention to character, plot, setting and theme.
  • Stands alone. Doesn’t require foreknowledge of the characters or storyworld.
  • Creates a lingering emotional response… regardless of the emotion triggered.

By an author who…

  • Has a demonstrable, substantial social media audience.
  • Actively and personally engages with that audience.
  • Has an established website dedicated to their works, including the storyworld in question.
  • Is committed to marketing their work with direct-to-fan communication.

It’s important to note that there’s no mention of genre in the above list. Storyworlds Magazine doesn’t have much use for genre classification, save for its arguable value in helping readers find things they may be predisposed to enjoy. Of course, it can cut both ways: some people use genre to avoid things they may never know if they like or not, and that’s sad.

At Storyworlds Magazine, we don’t care about genre. We care about story.

On Serials: Storyworlds Magazine will consider serials in some circumstances. Please query first.

Rights We License: Fiction
Storyworlds Magazine requires first exclusive worldwide English language print and electronic rights for twelve months beginning with publication month, perpetual non-exclusive rights after that twelve months, and non-exclusive anthology rights. Anthology inclusion and compensation falls under its own agreement. We are not soliciting reprints at this time.

Removing Works Published In Storyworlds Magazine
At the rights holder’s request, Storyworlds Magazine will remove published works from the archives any time following the initial twelve month exclusive rights period. Note that an author will be removed from the author affiliate program once that author is no longer represented by works available to Storyworlds Magazine subscribers.

To submit go here.


August 31, 2012