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Taking Submissions: Story Seed Vault
July 24, 2019
Deadline: July 24th, 2018
Payment: Short Fiction (<150CH) $3AUD per story, Long Fiction (>150CH/<200CH) $2AUD per story
What is the Story Seed Vault?
The Vault is an online periodical that adheres to the limitation of Twitter publishing. We consider all types of fiction with one condition – your story must be based on science.
We’re looking for stories that act as story seeds – prompts for spin off plots and weird tangents. We want to think in new ways about how our world works and the possibilities for future worlds, expanding tangentially from what we know now.
Who can submit to the Vault?
The Vault will takes submissions from all sorts of writers, from established writers to new, science communicator, or people who have a personal passion for science. As long as you adhere to our guidelines, we will publish your work!
In accordance with the ethics and values of our editorial team, the Vault is also a diversity-oriented publication. As such, we welcome and encourage submissions from a multiplicity of voices and perspectives, particularly those from marginalized and under-represented groups. Science communication is done by all sorts of people – and we want writers who reflect that diversity.
Where can I find science to be inspired by?
We suggest taking a look at science news websites and science magazines, such as the below:
Ars Technica Technology news, provides breakdowns on the latest scientific advancements. Main focus is IT and ‘gadgets’.
Science Daily Scientific research news. Does not report on general science news.
Science Mag Reports on research and general science news. Almost always evidence-based reporting.
Science Alert and Live Science Pop science news. An easily accessible form of science news that doesn’t use academic language. Prone to clickbait titles.
If you’re still stuck on what to write, take a look at our submission archives for inspiration and an indication of what we’ve accepted in the past.
Disclaimer: Story Seed Vault is not partnered with nor sponsored by any of the sites listed above and our authors should research as widely as they can. Have a favourite news site? Let us know! Shoot us an email or @ us on Twitter.
When does the Vault open for submissions?
Submissions are open from the 10th to the 24th of every month. We recommend submitting your story the month it is written, in order to publish it as close as possible to the release of the inspiration of your work.
Thinking of writing a story based on a specific event? Email us and let us know – we can work together to schedule it as close to the event as possible!
Submission Requirements
A number of writers have been asking how we would handle the new 280 character limit on Twitter. When we asked what people loved about the Vault, the most valuable components were: 1) the conciseness of our stories and 2) the science editorial.
Writers enjoyed the challenge of the shorter format. So, we have decided to provide you with more room to write but give a higher fee to writers who write shorter stories. See our payment terms below.
Length of Submission
The Vault now accepts two types of submissions – short and long fiction.
Short Fiction – Up to 150 characters.
Long Fiction – Between 150 characters and 200 characters.
Number of Submissions
Each writer can submit up to three stories per submissions period.
Despite limited resources, we strongly believe in paying our writers! We pay the following rates for fiction:
Short Fiction (<150CH) $3AUD per story
Long Fiction (>150CH/<200CH) $2AUD per story
Once we’ve accepted your story, we’ll get in touch about the best payment method for you. If you plan to submit more stories in the future, we can hold payments until the amount is larger.
You can also donate your commission to Story Seed Vault (we appreciate it!) to help us pay for future stories. If so, we’ll be sure to send you a complimentary copy of any e-book or zine if it spontaneously creates itself.
How do I submit?
Email your story to us at [email protected]. The following must be in your submission:
- Add ‘Story Seed Vault Submission’ in the subject line of your email
- Your story, with a link to the science you were inspired by.*
A brief explanation of your inspiration is optional but strongly suggested. - Include a short bio, up to 140 characters. Link to any portfolios or social media accounts you would like to promote.
*We might require additional evidence of a claim to publish.
How long do I need to wait for your response?
We do our very best to respond within 14-21 days. If you don’t hear back, shoot us an email at [email protected].
You’re paying me – so what rights do I have?
You own your story and can do with it whatever you wish after publication. We retain the right to keep the story in our archive and to include it in future electronic or print anthologies. By submitting, you agree to give Story Seed Vault these rights if published. Story Seed Vault takes no responsibility for other parties taking inspiration from these concepts or ideas.
When will my story go up?
We publish a new story approximately ever three days, around 1PM AEST. Currently, the Vault gets approximately 10 submissions a month, which we then schedule up to a month in advance. Your story will go up between 2-4 weeks after it is accepted.
Via: Story Seed Vault.