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Taking Submissions: Stitched Lips (Early Listing!)
November 30, 2020
Deadline: November 30th, 2020
Payment: 5 cents per word and a contributor’s copy
Theme: Silence
Note: This anthology is open to those from any oppressed group: examples include Women, People of Color, LGTBQ+, Persons with a Disability.
Guidelines: This anthology is open to those from any oppressed group: examples include Women, People of Color, LGTBQ+, Persons with a Disability. If you do not fall into this category, please refrain from submitting. There are plenty of other opportunities for you out there.
The theme of this anthology is Silence. How you interpret that is up to you, so long as it’s clearly a significant part of the story. Do not send a story with Silence tacked on as an afterthought. You will waste my time and yours. Stories should be horror. We are open to most types of horror though prefer, for this anthology, to shy away from the more extreme: no splatter. Sex and gore are acceptable, provided they are not gratuitous.
It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, just so we’re absolutely clear: no stories that glorify the oppression of any of the Silenced groups listed above (or any we may have left out). This is an automatic rejection and we will probably never speak to you again either.
Standard Manuscript Formatting, please: Times New Roman (or something equivalent) preferred, 12-point font, double spaced. First page, upper left, should contain your contact information and approximate word count (round to the nearest hundred).
Word count is between 3,000 and 5.000. There is some wiggle room at both ends but please try to keep it close to that.
Your subject line should read Submission: (story title), (your name). Failure to follow this may result in your story getting lost in the shuffle.
We are only looking for original works for this anthology. No reprints. Also, no multiple submissions; please only send us your best one. Simultaneous submissions are okay, but we’d appreciate a heads-up if you have to withdraw it.
Please attach your story as a doc. or docx or rtf. Do not submit pdfs. Do not paste the story into your email. Naming your file something like StoryTitle_AuthorName is helpful but not strictly necessary.
Pay rate is 5 cents per word and one paperback contributor’s copy. Additional copies will be made available at a discount, should the authors want to purchase them.
Submissions open November 15, 2020 and close November 30, 2020. Submissions received outside this window will be automatically rejected. Don’t test us on this.
Send your submissions to: [email protected]..
Please include a short bio with your submission. No more than 250 words. If you don’t have a lot of writing credits (or any), please tell us something about yourself. Everyone has something interesting about them.
We look forward to seeing what you’ve got.
Ken MacGregor, Editor: Dragon’s Roost Press.