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Taking Submissions: Mythic Delirium
October 1, 2013
Deadline: October 1st 2013
Payment: 2 cents/word on publication
Mythic Delirium is an online and e-book venue for fiction and poetry that ranges through science fiction, fantasy, horror, interstitial and cross-genre territory— we love blurred boundaries and tropes turned on their heads. We are interested in work that demonstrates ambition, that defies traditional approaches to genre, that introduces readers to the legends of other cultures, that re-evaluates the myths of old from a modern perspective, that twists reality in unexpected ways. We are committed to diversity, and are open to and encourage submissions from people of every race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, political affiliation and religious belief.
We publish 12 short stories and 24 poems a year. Our quarterly ebooks in PDF, EPUB and MOBI format, published in July, October, January, and April, will each contain three stories and six poems. We will also publish one story and two poems on our website each month.
Short stories: We are seeking short stories of up to 4,000 words. Electronic submissions only. Word limit firm. No unsolicited reprints. No simultaneous submissions. No multiple submissions. Please use the words “fiction submission” in the e-mail subject line. Stories should be sent in standard manuscript format as .rtf or .doc attachments. Payment is 2 cents/word on publication.
Poems: You may submit up to 6 poems at a time of any length. Electronic submissions only. No unsolicited reprints. No simultaneous submissions. Please use the words “poetry submission” in the e-mail subject line. Poems may be included in the e-mail or sent as .rtf or .doc attachments. Payment is a $5 flat fee on publication.
All submissions should be sent to mythicdelirium[at]gmail[dot]com.
[via: Mythic Delerium.]
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!