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Taking Submissions: Jamais Vu – Winter 2014 Issue – Strange Among the Familiar
October 15, 2013
Submission Window: September 1st 2013 – October 15, 2013
Payment: 5 cents per word and contributor’s copy
What we are looking for?
Short fiction 2,000 to 4,000 words
Book reviews (classic & contemporary) 500-750 words each (click HERE for suggested titles)
Film reviews (classic & contemporary) 500-750 words each (click HERE for suggested titles)
Poetry (100 words or so)
Non-fiction (on topic) 500 to 3,000 words
Simultaneous submission are acceptable (with notification)
Sorry, NO reprints or FAN FICTION
Winter 2014 – Strange Among the Familiar 15-JAN-14 Release Date
In most cases payment will be 5 cents per word within 60 days of acceptance and a contributor’s copy within 30 days of publication.
Exceptions may be made for work outside the word count parameters.
In return we ask for first worldwide print and digital rights for SIX (6) months from publication.
After six months from publication, all rights revert.
Winter 2014 – September 1 – October 15, 2013
Decisions by December 1, 2013
The Devil’s in the Details
Jamais Vu is a new pro journal from Post Mortem Press, set to feature the absolute best in dark fiction, poetry, factual morsels, criticism, and more.
The title comes from the French–The strange among the familiar–and is as close to a “theme” as we’re looking for.
Confused? Think Richard Matheson, Jack Finney, Neil Gaiman.
Specifically, we’re a horror/thriller market, but are open to crossing genres, given that one of the crossed genres is horror/thriller (no western-romance, or science fiction-mystery, okay?) Language and violence are not a problem if both components are integral to the plot, dedicating 3,000 words of your 4,000 story to the graphic depiction of human mutilation would have a hard time.
The tropes–vampires, zombies, serial killers, werewolves–will have also struggle to get noticed unless the writer presents them in a completely new light.
Stories that really work to act out your latent parental issues or your insecurities with the opposite sex are best given to your therapist, not us.
Stories which exist solely to depict the abuse of children, women, or animals will be rejected outright. Similarly, NO torture or splatter-punk.
More concise than we could ever put it, the folks over at Strange Horizons have compiled a list of “Horror Stories We’ve Seen Too Often”. Check it out:
Granted, some of these things offer an interesting premise within which a brand new and different story can be written, but if your story can be summarized by something on that list, head on back to your writing program and start over.
All submissions should follow OUR STANDARD MANUSCRIPT FORMAT listed below.
Direct questions to [email protected]
Submission Guidelines
MSWord Document (rtf, doc, or docx)
Include the story title & your by-line at the top of the first page
Times New Roman or similar, easy to read, serif font
12 pt, double spaced 1″ Margins Left Justified (Align Text Left)
1/4″ paragraph indents TAB or “Natural” only
One space after sentence ending punctuation rather than two
Please avoid UNDERLINE – consider italics
No HARD CODED Headers, Footers, or Page Numbers
NO HARD RETURNS AT THE END OF EACH LINE – only at the end of a paragraph
Cover letter Information should include:
A short summary of the story
a short (two to four sentences) personal biography
Real/legal name
email and physical/street address
We cannot accept hard copy manuscripts
Ready to submit?
Click Here: https://postmortempress.submittable.com/submit/22304.
[via: Jamais Vu Journal.]