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Taking Submissions: Millhaven Press Spring 2019
November 1, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Deadline: February 1st, 2019
Payment: 6% royality for fiction writers.
You keep copyright and all rights associated with the story. You give Millhaven Press first North American print rights.
- Stories should be between 2,500-8,000 words (we may accept something shorter than 2,500 words or something longer than 8,000 but it has to be phenomenal).
- Do not submit a story for reprint. We are only interested in previously unpublished material (a story published on a personal blog is ok).
- No simultaneous submissions. Please do not submit the story to another outlet while waiting for a response from us.
- Multiple submissions are ok, but we will only print one story per author, per issue. If you aren’t sure which is your best, send more than one and we’ll decide.
- Use an easily readable font, double-space as .doc or .docx. Send as an e-mail attachment to [email protected].
Send a cover letter with contact information. Use story title, genre and approximate word count in the subject header of the e-mail.
This is a semi-annual print publication and the deadlines for the genre themes are as follows.
- Spring 2019: Science Fiction/Fantasy/Dark Fantasy (Submission Deadline 2/1/19)
- Autumn 2019: Horror/Crime/Mystery (Submission Deadline 8/1/19)
We realize a lot of stories cross genres (the best usually do). Submit your story with all possible genres in the subject and we’ll sort it out.
Not all submitted stories will be published. Stories are chosen solely by the publishers. We will read all submissions and respond with an acceptance or rejection letter via e-mail (Generally, within 2 weeks after the submission closing date). If accepted, a standard royalty contract will be sent shortly after the closing submission deadline for that issue.
Each contributor will receive one free reader copy delivered to the address listed in the contact information.
Compensation: This is a royalty based publication (split after cost).
- 6% for fiction writers.
- 10% For cover artist (plus a $50 fee paid upon delivery of accepted design).
Payment will be made via PayPal (no exceptions). Royalty payments will be made at the end of each quarter. Payments will be made by the 7th day of January, April, July, and October
Via: Millhaven Press.