- This event has passed.
Taking Submissions: Into the Mist
July 1, 2015
Deadline: July 1st, 2015
Payment: $10 per story
Note: I have confirmation that horror themed dragon stories are being allowed though the focus is dragons not horror
Looking for 15 stories, 5,000 – 7,500 words
Dragons must be the main theme
Not looking for romance or erotica
Seeking fantasy based story
(can have minor love story)
Payment: $10 per story
Paypal (or Check for US residents only)
Contract: First Electronic, First Print, and Anthology rights.
Font Size: 12
Font Style: Times New Roman
Double Spaced
No spaces before or after paragraphs
Automatic indention of first sentence per paragraph (no tabs)
.doc or .docx only
Submission Dates: 3/15/15 – 7/1/15
Submit to [email protected]
Set Subject to “Into the Mist Submission”
Please include author bio and Facebook/Twitter link