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Taking Submissions: The Grotesquerie: An Anthology of Women in Horror
December 31, 2013
Deadline: December 31st 2013
Payment: $10 per story
Note: Female Authors Only
Mocha Memoirs Press is pleased to announce that a new horror anthology featuring women writers is now open for submissions. Please read all of the information provided.
Women in Horror Recognition Month (WiHM) assists underrepresented female genre artists in gaining opportunities, exposure, and education through altruistic events, printed material, articles, interviews, and online support. WiHM is a service provided by the Viscera Organization, a 501(c)3 non profit organization expanding opportunities for contemporary female genre artists by raising awareness about the changing roles for women in the industry.
Submission Guidelines
What We Want-The Grotesquerie will be an open themed horror anthology of short stories written by female authors, released as a digital book and as a paperback book. Your submission must be written to frighten or disturb to be considered. The subject matter is up to you. We want dark, creepy, atmospheric, unsettling, bizarre… as well as a beautifully crafted, original story.
*For this anthology, we will only be accepting submissions from female authors.
If there are any men reading this, we are still interested in reading your work, so please submit it – we’ll be happy to consider it for our Dark Bites series or for future events. Feel free to read our general submission guidelines for more information.*
What We Don’t Want-We don’t want slasher horror or splatterpunk for this collection. We will reject any stories that contain rape, and the abuse of minors. Stories featuring wellworn tropes (vampires, zombies, werewolves) will need a new exciting twist to be considered. Violence and sex are acceptable but make them integral to the plot. Other than that, use your imagination—horror is nothing without imagination.
- Submit your work to mmphorror(at)gmail(dot)com
with Grotesquerie Sub: Your Story Title_Your Last Name in the subject line. Attach your story as a DOC or DOCX file. Submissions sent in the body of the email will not be read. - We prefer to see submissions using something approaching Standard Manuscript Format, which can be found here: http://www.shunn.net/format/story.html
- The only exception is that italics MUST appear as they will be used; no underlining.
- Include a brief cover letter in the body of your email stating your name, pen name (if using one), story title with word count, address, website or blog, and any professional publication credits you think might interest us.
- We will accept works of 1,500-6,000 words. Please query if you wish to submit outside of these guidelines.
- No simultaneous submissions, please. We ask that you don’t submit a story to us and to another market at the same time.
- Multiple submissions—sending more than one story for consideration—are okay. If sending more than one story, please send them in separate emails.
We’re not accepting reprints for this anthology. We will pay a flat $10 per story via Paypal only. Payment will be made within 30 days of publication. We are seeking Worldwide English Language rights for 12 months in print and digital formats.
Authors from outside of the United States-We welcome you and will accept American or British English spelling. Please be aware that at this time, we have a largely American readership. Feel free to help us.
Submission Deadline and Publication Schedule
We will remain open for submissions from August 31-December 31, with an expectation that the anthology will be published by February 1, to help kick off Women in Horror Month.
Via: Mocha Memoirs Press.