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Taking Submissions: Dark in the Limelight
February 20, 2014
Deadline: Feb 20th, 2014
Payment: Exposure & Royalties
Dark in the Limelight
Deadline: Feb 20th, 2014
Payment: Exposure & Royalties
Flash fiction & Short Stories (1,000 – 4,000 words)
Poetry and re-prints will also be considered
“I promise you, one and all, that fame will not change me.”
– Harietta Morgan
Old stage lighting burns centre stage on a budding actor, singer, dancer? They’ve made it to the middle mark. Fame and fortune await them.
But just how did they get so lucky as to have their dreams fall into their laps? Was it hard work that got them where they are today, determination, talent, even?
Or perhaps it was something else, something much more sinister that gave them their gifts and their powers.
There’s something dark in the limelight. Can those held beneath its spell survive the curse their greed has brought upon them, or will they perish like so many others?
The price of fame can be Hell.
No taboos, just let your imagination run wild.
Dark fairy tales, bizarre, horror, surrealism, dark science-fiction and steam punk are all cool here.
Submission guidelines:
Deadline for submissions – February 20th, 2014.
Word Count: 1,000 – 4,000 words.
Please submit your manuscript as a *.doc or *.docx file – rtf is acceptable also (all other formats will automatically be rejected. Contact me prior to submitting if this presents an issue for you).
Font and formatting: Please submit in Times New Roman, 12 point font; single line spacing. Please format the document to 1st line indentation of 1″. The page margin should be set to .1″ on all sides.
Please check grammar.
Upon acceptance into the anthology, you agree that Horrified Press holds exclusive publishing rights for six months from the date of publication; after that date has passed, all intellectual property rights revert to the author with the proviso that Horrified Press retains distribution rights in the format of the contracted anthology.
This title will be available as an E-book, and as a quality trade paperback
Gavin Chappell will be presiding over this anthology.
Email your submission as an attachment to; [email protected]
The email subject line must read “SUBMISSION – Dark in the Limelight – ‘your story title’” or your submission will not be considered for this anthology.
Successful applicants will be notified before the deadline has expired.
[via: Horrified Press.]
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!